The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. Keep in mind I totally respect everyones opinions! What I want is to one day live in a world where religion and atheism can live together in peace and harmony without trying to destroy each other. And for me I want to die knowing I was a good person and hopefully a reward awaits me.. Maybe not, but I believe its better to die feeling completed.

  2. I totally agree with most of the things you say. The universe is spectacular and its incomprehensible expanse is simply beautiful. However saying that I still believe in God. For me it makes God that much more amazing that trillions and trillions of years ago a giant explosion triggered everything we know today, every atom, every cell, every star. Evolution making us into the humans we are over millions of years! It makes God even more phenomenal trying to wrap your mind around it.

  3. @Lore51185 a man could go his whole life doing evil things like murdering people then “get saved” a few years before his death and go to heaven, right? Another man could go his whole life doing good but die unsaved and go to hell, right? How is this just?

    So God sacrificed himself to himself to save us from the punishment he created for breaking rules he himself created?

  4. @Lore51185 The payment of sin is spiritual death? Says who? God?? He could’ve made it fine from the beginning! It makes no sense to make a sacrifice when you can fix it yourself with no pain at all. And if you can fix it with minimal effort then what the fuck is the point of sacrifice?? Also its funny you mention god being just when he has killed more people then the devil himself including but not limited to, thousands of innocent people in egypt and more I can’t list because I lack space.

  5. @SSasskicker First of all, Jesus chose to sacrifice Himself, no one made Him to do it. Then, God could have just snapped his fingers and bam we were saved, but if He would have done that, He wouldn’t have been a rightous God. He would have been injust. Because the payment for every sin is spiritual death. Jesus paid it all in your place, and in my place, so that all of us could be seen rightous by faith, not by deeds.

  6. This is the most important thing I have ever seen. Curiosity is the beauty in life. Getting this straight in our heads is as important as getting up and walking on our hind legs, it opens the way ahead. From this point we can finally move forward.

  7. @Lore51185 Theoretically speaking, If He is God and is capable of anything, what the fuck was the point of sacrificing Jesus? He could’ve just snapped his fingers and bam where saved. Seriously, you mentioned Jesus and the cross like it actually means something, god willingly put his son through torture for something he could have fixed in an instant. Also, God’s name was not just used for killing, He did some of the killing himself. Egypt anyone? the book of Joshua? Yeaahh commonsense. jpg

  8. I was out with a friend once and I explained to him the stars and just how vast our universe is. His response was that he didnt care because he likes the mystery of the world. I replied to him, “what good is mystery when you allow yourself to be to lazy to peruse it?”

  9. There is no doubt about the greatness of the universe, but it will end soon, sooner than you think and there is no escape, however knowledge and science can save you if you know the source of all this: /watch?v=cv7lCR-7AKQ

  10. Do we have soul? And if yes, what is its nature? What happens to it when we die? Do we come back, i.e. be reincarnated as another being, and if yes will it be another human or could it become the soul of an animal?

  11. So beautifully made. My heart swelled with pride at the end there, I am so happy that I made the switch. I now embrace science and understanding versus catholic ideologies. Life is so good. It is great to be free of religion.

  12. The universe can support life for 30 billion years but … if people dont do alot more to get the earth bacc in shape the earth wont be able to support life by 2050 …… not a hippie just putttin it out there …. loved this Video … #ScienceSavedMySoulFromReligion

  13. @Lore51185

    OOooga Boooga. Go scare other sheep. Here, we use our minds to make decisions, and don’t let old musty books tell us how to live our lives. We search for ourselves, in our own ways. And you can’t respect that? Shame on you.

  14. This is one of the best speeches I’ve ever heard. I’m Agnostic, I do believe in God, but I’m not convinced by any religion currently in place. The best thing about this is that it doesn’t preclude the existence of God, but rather gives perspective to any who claim they know what or who God is (organized religions). I’m thoroughly impressed, and would recommend this video to absolutely anyone.

  15. @Lore51185 quote quote quote, grow a fuckin brain. come back when you do. i bet you copy and pasted the quotes from the fucked up on line bible or something

  16. if this vid doesnt make you think, nothing will. i feel sorry for the ones that reject this vid. looking at the ratings it seems only one doesnt like it. poor sap!

  17. Perhaps a good idea to give the original creator of this clip, philhellenes, some credit?

  18. @Lore51185 :he first and most important thing about God is that He would rather die than live without you. And that is what He did on the Cross. Jesus is God.”

    sooo god is dead?

  19. @vnn117 It doesn’t matter wether you just lied or you murdered someone.If your only sin were a little lie, that would never make you “more perfect” than a killer. Perfect means 100% perfect.An the absence of perfection means DEATH.

  20. @Lore51185 it is worthless trying to preach here, no one will listen, and no one should listen. Open your eyes and free yourself.

Science Saved My Soul From Religion

Seeing isn’t everything and I truly hope that one day mankind will wake up in the morning, at the sunrise of the two stars of Alpha Centauri :) .. but for that we do not need religion and differences of opinion that it generates. “Who are we? We find that we live on an insignificant planet of a humdrum star lost in a galaxy tucked away in some forgotten corner of a universe in which there are far more galaxies than people.” Carl Sagan Credits go to Philhellenes
Video Rating: 4 / 5