The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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7 Responses

  1. This is the diriection of a clear alternative to power out. We need this really badly if we are to survive the coming “suit job Armageddon”. We have to look at heat capture and general energy recovery and capture. Gasoline is good fuel, but specifically designed to cast off or throw away as a waste product when used in an internal combustion engine. Good job anyway The dedicated drive gases engine would be the ones that are banished from use.

  2. Polluting less and NOTTTTT worrying about conflicts in the MIDDLE EAST affecting the supply of fuel.. This is A GREAT DEVELOPMENT..

  3. Hello, I was forwarded this by my parents, the Childs’s. It is really neat to see someone who I have grown up hearing so many fond stories of!
    Lisa Childs Harris

  4. that is why i prefer boeing to airbus, airbus worked to make the largest plane, while boeing is looking into the future, ever since it helped win WWII,when airbus didnt even exist.

Hahn Mini Moke Creates Own Biofuel

Hahn Environmental Mini Moke creates its own fuel through a gasification process. The Mini Moke, constructed by Allan Lear CEO of Hahn Environmental, burns timber, twigs and leaves to create gas to run the vehicle. Just one of many ingenious inventions from Allan Lear of Hahn Environmental.
Video Rating: 5 / 5

Watch the engines churn and look into the flight deck as test pilots fly the new Boeing 747-8 Freighter on the first-ever transatlantic biofuel flight with a commercial jetliner. The airplane glided above the clouds, flying at Mach .85, one of the fastest cruising speeds for commercial airplanes. The successful flight marks a major environmental milestone for the aviation and fuels the hopes of an industry searching for an alternative answer to power growth.
Video Rating: 5 / 5