The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

49 Responses

  1. @BeondaPale yes your soul chooses where to be born on what planet & what race & even what genetics you will have for your experiences that your soul chooses so it can evolve …

  2. What?? Did you choose to be born? Be human? Be on Earth? Have the color eyes that you have?

    Clearly not. Therefore, EVERY situation does NOT contain choice.

    And the reason these things happened clearly had nothing to do with what choices you made

  3. @BeondaPale i see you believe in random causes or coincidence…. your choice….. everything happens for a reason(even if a rock falls on your head) & you ALWAYS have choices in EVERY situation … before & after it happens …

  4. Nope, you don’t understand.

    OK, Let’s say a rock that you did not see falls on your head. You did not have a choice as to whether the rock would fall on your head or not. The choice of what to do AFTER you’ve been hit is yours (unless you’re unconscious). But as you can see the 2 situations are different

    This oil spill is the same idea. I did not choose this, but what I do next is my choice – a choice has been forced upon me by circumstances that I had no choice in

  5. @BeondaPale you do have a choice even if you deny & or ignore it… to try/attempt/excuse not to choose… thus not choosing IS choosing

  6. For the logically impaired: “not having a choice” does not equal “not choosing”

  7. @BeondaPale just so you know… ‘not’ choosing … is choosing… have a nice day =)

  8. Grow*Baby, Grow… Bio-Fuels, Forests, Wetlands, Ocean Health, Lawns-2-Lunch, Peaceful Profits, Economical Alternatives… Grow*Baby, Grow…

    Unite the C.H.A.O.S.

  9. Rachel is the best……Luv Ya girl. Keep doin your thing, you are letting them have it.

  10. She wanted to know what it was like to brutally murder that little girl. Hummmm? I would like to know what it would feel like to pull the switch and watch this she “Devil” fry in the electric chair! Where do I sign up?

  11. hey mr. lawyer! how about letting the jury have a complete picture as to who the dead girl was?

  12. C’mon people she shouldn’t go to jail she’s just 17… They should hang the dirty bitch, and so to the rest of the murderers in the world.. we got to many of the evil bastards

  13. I feel no sympathy for the vile Brut. My sympathy is for the innocent child she butchered and her family. She should rot behind bars.

  14. How is it second degree murder? Can I give her lethal injection? I wanna know what it feels like.

  15. life without parole…or I’m for death penalty. You killed her because you wanted to know what it woulw feel like??? WTF is wrong with her…she’s just plain evil. You wanna know what death feels like she should die then she’ll know. I hope someone shanks her ass in prison.

  16. “All the public knows about her” is all that matters.Who cares if she loves her Grandma or if she got good grades.She killed a little girl and she should be punished:)

  17. next thing she gona do is cut off a mans penis and carry it between her legs all day long just because she wanted to know how it feels like !

  18. @andrefromnguyen Why it’s nice to have mandatory life sentences for all murder convictions. That’s one big thing that I prefer in the Canadian system over the US system.

  19. Her parents must of known she had serious issues…I don’t understand why they let her of her leash to brutally murder a 9 year old little girl! She needs to be locked up for life or she will kill again! RIP Litlle Girl :(

  20. 10-20 years with possibility of parole after 7 years? What kind of sentencing is that? She killed a little girl in cold blood. She deserves 25+ years

  21. @mistajames3213 Somebody took mercy on her sorry ass but she showed no sign of that mercy on the victim. I would never want this demon within 1000 miles of others so she could do another fatal experiment on how it feels to destroy and brutalize an entire family. I know what you were meaning and I should not have used the term sorry!

Gulf Oil Disaster – Deja Vu

Can you say Deja Vu here is the solution to our problems. Lets go back in time with Rachel Maddow as she takes us on a journey into our past so that we might see the mistakes of today. Posted with FAIR USE CLAIMS- News Release-

A Missouri teenager who told authorities she wanted to know what it felt like to kill pleaded guilty Tuesday to murder, telling a judge that she strangled a 9-year-old neighbor with her hands, stabbed her in the chest and cut her throat with a knife. (Jan