The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

3 Responses

  1. It is not in any particular year that these things became popular. It first became popular in the developed world and that too gradually once these things became more effective and started showing some financial gains. And once the govt started rolling out grants for green energy more people started lapping it up. Lot of DIY stuff has further reduced the costs which is making them popular.

When did solar panels start to become popular?

Question by Too Curios: When did solar panels start to become popular?
Like when did you start to see solar panels on houses and solar garden lights?

Best answer:

Answer by yonsson
Perhaps 5 years ago, here in Sweden. The efficiency has since increased drastically, and now you could power a hose with solar panels from March to October here with just solar panels.

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