The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

31 Responses

  1. Yep. and guess how Jones got his job? The CIA killed off Bill Cooper (NOVEMBER 5TH, 2001–remember, remember the 5th of November…) so that fat short robe Jesuit scumbag could be their CON-trolled opposition CIA shill. Alex is bought and paid for just like little Russy-Poo Pine (Jordan Maxwell) who inherited MANLY P. HALL’S writings and personal items. Jordan was his masonic apprentice boy LOVER. David Kelley, Sherman Skolnich, Joe Vials, Bill Cooper, David Graham…THEY told the truth.

  2. alex jones wont peep word-one about free energy technology. he constantly blabbers endlessly about how wonderful the oil industry is, and how magnificent it would be to start drilling in alaska, and build pipelines all over the united states.
    i’m afraid he is entirely owned by the oil industry.
    he was a number of weeks “late” to report on the gulf oil catastrophe.

  3. Any type of government has its weaknesses and problems. But what one is the lesser evil? Personally I would rather live in a democracy then a lot of the other types of government.

  4. God you conspiracy people astound me, what next? Mickey Mouse is a real mouse that Disney altered his DNA to make him real. And all his cartoons are actually filmed on set?

  5. 83% of the nuclear waste can be sold for industrial and medical use after 10 years, the other 17% needs storage for 300 years.

  6. Thorium plasma battery was banned by the USA because it produced enough energy to power your house for a year. Fact

  7. Macroevolutionism: a big Lie. Share2care! :) Subscribe! UTube: “CSE-01 Age of the Earth (FULL) Kent Hovind.” Google: “SCIENCE VS EVOLUTION.” If I get buried on top of a Dragon, doesn’t prove I evolved from the Dragon. Homologous structures prove a Common Designer who designed similarly because He knew similar functions would require similar parts! Tautology: Who survives? The fittest. Who’s the fittest? Those who survive! Richest, luckiest, funniest, quickest, strongest, etc.

  8. “If Nixon shut down a successfully working Thorium nuclear reactor,then we don’t need “lots of research” before we can start using them.”

    – That’s exactly what I was thinking. Same thing with putting man on the moon. ma

  9. If Nixon shut down a successfully working Thorium nuclear reactor,then we don’t need “lots of research” before we can start using them.

    However, what is the half-life of the waste material?

    Can the waste material be re-processed (and so transmute into even lighter and less-radioactive elements)?

  10. @Sean James all right sean its time to grow up and move on your simply getting boring now so maby you should stop wile your ahead

  11. God damn spend some of that free time outside maybe and try not to concern yourself with other peoples business. I just gave him a suggestion not a command douche. Lordy lordy Shane’s dumbass words have saved me from this unsatisfying path in life ha ha I’m not a broken soul, I see and understand yet you probably would get into an argument with a wall, I honestly think you may have some sort of mental retardation.

  12. ya i git loads of free time so i search trough the comments sometimes to see what people have to say about the video and what do i find? some troll wannabe trying to get someone to do away with themselves .if you continue down this path sean you going to have a very unsatisfying life and this isn’t about me telling you what to do ,this is about you not having the decency to do it yourself .

  13. You honestly think a lot of these comments are even worth reading? And you really have that much free time, and you spend it just reading through all these comments?? You’ll never accomplish that goal of policing the comments section and the fact that you have to reach out and try and tell me what to do let alone anyone else shows a bit of arrogance and you may have a tendency to be a controlling person. I do what the fuck I want when ever I want no troll nor human dictates my life. You fetus ha

  14. after writing the first one (which i taught i deleted) I decided to post a nicer version but that clearly didn’t turn out as planned but i have to ask if im the one who is looking for attention here or am i one of the many people who are simply fed up of reading non informant crap in the comment section of the videos that i love to watch and trust me man the only stinky thing around here is the shit that your posting on the comment section

  15. ok.blap yourself and send me the pick.then i shall do the same.have to make sure you dont back down.

  16. Ha you can join the conversation no invites needed, you must of felt left out or maybe you just needed attention. But you only need to send 1 comment, it’s somewhat redundant to make 2 that are almost identical just for the sake of some attention. You remind me of a stinky homeless animal that want’s someone to pet it but acts angry at first just so you get noticed :)

  17. This isn’t my area of expertise at all but I thought this was the most interesting episode of STDWYTK yet. The wikipedia page has some information on converting it and how it would be more expensive than uranium but it seems like the benefits would be very much worth it. I’d like to know more about this and see some thorium reactors too.

Red Ice Radio – Sterling Allan – Hour 1 – Defeating Conspirators: Free Energy Technologies

Sterling Allan is the primary driving force behind,,, and Pure Energy Systems (PES) Network, of which he is CEO, is the premier news, directory, and networking service whose mission is to find and facilitate the best exotic free energy technologies. It is aided by the New Energy Congress, which Allan founded in 2005 as an association of energy professionals from around the world who review the most promising claims to existing and up-and-coming breakthrough energy technologies that are clean, renewable, affordable, reliable, easy to implement, safe, and legitimate. Mr. Allan’s graduate studies at BYU and the University of Arizona were in Bioelectrochemisty. Prior to his focused involvement in free energy, Allan was an activist in promoting principles of freedom and defending them against forces conspiring to establish world tyranny. In this interview, Sterling explains how free energy will be the defeat of the conspirators. He’ll talk about the top 5 most promising developments in free technology, including availability and price.

Nuclear power is found throughout the world, and the vast majority of nuclear reactors run on uranium. Uranium has several drawbacks, and disasters such as the meltdowns at Fukushima and Chernobyl stand as powerful examples of the potentially catastrophic risks posed by nuclear power. But, according to numerous sources, there’s an alternative to uranium. Though thorium isn’t perfect, it’s more plentiful and arguably safer than uranium. So why aren’t we using it? Check out this Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know video and learn more about thorium, nuclear power and conspiracy theories. New episodes every Wednesday and Friday. Please subscribe to Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know: Watch more episodes here: Twitter Follow Ben on Twitter: Facebook Google+
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