The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. I hope that BP wakes up soon and realizes that when you get too greedy and cut corners to make that dollar/buck shit happens at a greater scale. How can you not have a plan or equipment in place to respond to these sort of tragedies. I know that prevention is better then trying to fix it. But come on wtf were you thinking? You had the fkn money to spend on equipment or ‘disaster’ response teams!! It took you how long before anything tangible happened!! Idiots!!

  2. I hope that BP wakes up soon and realizes that when you get too greedy and cut corners to make that dollar/buck shit happens at a greater scale. How can you not have a plan or equipment in place to respond to these sort of tragedies. I now that prevention is better then trying to fix it. But come on wtf were you thinking? You had the fkn money to spend on equipment or ‘disaster’ response teams!! It took you how long before anything tangible happened!! Idiots!!

  3. THe US has more people in jail than India, China, Russia, & Iran combined even though they outnumber us 10 to 1. The US sends people to jail over $20 of pot by the 1000s, yet they let BP and the biggest thieves in history, Goldman Sachs and Morgan Chase, steal trillions, then have all of us in the lower & middle classes pay them back for their own crimes & greed? The media &and govt in the US is worthless, evil, and corrupt

  4. You can accept resposibility all you want to now BP, but guess what? It’s too gaddamn late. You should’ve accepted resposibility from the start, and this would have never happened.

  5. Hi Cryptome1, thanks for posting this video which we have linked to from our Gulf of Mexico oil spill directory. Keep up the good work!

  6. Biosativa- removes and destroys oil!!! 100% biological
    But the corrupt US gov ignored it.


  7. SEARCH: ABC BP Oil Spill: Clean-Up Crews Can’t Find Crude in the Gulf
    “[It’s] mother nature doing her job,” said Ed Overton, a professor of environmental studies at Louisiana State University. The light crude began to deteriorate the moment it escaped at high pressure, …The oil that did make it to the ocean’s surface was broken up by 88-degree water, baked by 100-degree sun, eaten by microbes, and whipped apart by wind and waves.


  8. @jackandjanie1 The ‘American People’ laid down…….. ‘we’ the people may have a voice….. but this does not dictate the path of the people. The market unified with the government have the ‘voice’, ‘power’ and ultimate say. This could happen ANYWHERE

  9. Plans to stop the leak of oil you enclose two login to see my projects
    Bell surface new (reduce leakage) Bell 10072010 (stop leakage)
    And ‘welcome comment. Thanks

  10. we the people ? don’t make me laugh the american people laid down to corporate america and the government years ago , nobody cares unless it directly effects them , slaves and they don’t even know it ! it’s a crying shame the people have become cowards ! i’d rather die than live on my knee’s !

  11. @ChantelMonique1
    Chantel, it’s easy to understand even for the feeble minded. Just remember… Everytime something…anything happens, it is a sure sign that rapture is coming very very soon and you must immediately prepare for it. You can’t debate facts and the facts are there haver been numerious and VERY clear signs of rapture coming for over 500 years. Are you ready? My bags are packed.

  12. This is clearly the most and worst damage to the environment in the history of man, none of the oil Co. are any diff. However, that girl is a nutjob; Kindra lives in a very small world of her own, and she sounds like the female Glen Beck. A lot of the anger, and some justified, towards the Tony Hayward…but I would really like to know who the “BP Guy in the room” that gave them the order to keep drilling and not shut the rig down. And his immediate chain of command.

  13. Absolutely disgusting.

    This woman is a hero. We need more heroes in our country, not bureaucrats.

  14. JP Morgan Chase owns controlling interest in BP, 20%. The other 80% consists of individual investors, 40% USA and 39% GB. When the stock goes down so does your retirement account, City stockholdings, IRA’s etc. Take your money out of Chase and put it in a local Credit Union. The worker who made this mistake should already be in PRISON! Alternative tfuel echnologies like WATER, that’s right, and Electric Cars have been kept secret. Watch “Who Killed The Electric Car”.

  15. @ChantelMonique1 This is pre-tribulation not tribulation. The oil spill is so us Christians know that the time is almost here and it is meant to prepare us for his coming back. We are to repent and pray daily and to get our hearts ready for God. Expect more extravagant and more deadly events to happen to us as the time draws closer. Go to Unlevened Bread Ministries and click on Prophecies and Dreams. Those are what’s coming for us Christians.

  16. @freepeoplenow Give it a rest. You are the brainwashed, tinhat wearing, conspiracy theorist. Please.

  17. @0URTIMEWILLC0ME Well if that was the seventh seal of 8:8 and the 2nd trumpet…I’m wondering why I’m still here! I thought Jesus’ bride would have been raptured based on 7:9. In 7:3 the angel cried “Wait!” This Adam thinking has me all confused..I’m done trying to understand God’s ways with this feeble mind of mines!!!

  18. Hey! Lindsey Lohan is going to jail for 90 days! That’s important news?! There’s an oil spill somewhere? It’s not on TMZ.

  19. THOUGHT TO PONDER: with all due respect to my American neighbours (I’m in Canada) this tragedy is NOT just a USA problem. EVERYBODY – the whole world – WILL feel the effect of this great evil.

    Until man does an “about face” and once again turns their eyes on God things like this WILL happen, over and over and over again. I am NOT preaching by any means for it is not my place to do so. It IS however my place to tell people about EVIL and give warning. May you heed the message. God Bless!

  20. Those thinking that BIG OIL is done are sadly mistaken, because if you look at a photograph of the drilling rigs around that area there are more than 2,000. You will not be able to nationalize BP or any other company in the Gulf because most of them are ALL FOREIGN COMPANIES. They are also more than 100 miles out in INTERNATIONAL WATERS. More than anything else God planned this event and hid it from us. Look at Revelation 8:8 in the Bible. God is telling us time is almost up.

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 2

AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 2 See Part 1: AU 60 Minutes BP Oil Spill Video, 13 June 2010, Removed by BP Demand Part 1 If removed by YouTube get this Zipped file: (9.8MB)
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