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Nuclear reactions in the sun’s interior convert?

uranium plutonium hydrogen helium
by Sumit

Question by Michelle: Nuclear reactions in the sun’s interior convert?
Nuclear reactions in the sun’s interior convert
A) hydrogen into helium
B) helium into hydrogen
C) carbon into nitrogen
D) uranium into plutonium

Binary stars are valuable to astronomers because they permit the determination of stellar
A) diameters
B) distances
C) masses
D) temperatures

At the end of its life cycle, a typical star becomes a _________________.
A) red giant
B) white dwarf
C) supernova
D) neutron star

Best answer:

Answer by Civil
A) Hydrogen into Helium – this is the process of nuclear fusion

C) Masses – you can indirectly determine mass from orbital data
of binaries, which are stars that orbit each other.

B) White dwarf – this is the final stage for an average star like our Sun

What do you think? Answer below!