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Clinton calls withdrawal of troops from Iraq ‘top priority’?

Question by TOOTAl2: Clinton calls withdrawal of troops from Iraq ‘top priority’?
Why does Clinton want to pull the troops out of iraq right away and risk an unstable middle east. and have the price of oil go way up. Only 2 troops were killed in iraq last month. So why would they take this risk?

is it because they hate bush?

Best answer:

Answer by Phil
Let us go to how the war began. It started by selling lies to us that Saddam has WMD’s. Those were never found. Then if you follow the media news over last 4 years, you will see that the face of the enemy was changed every 2-3 months. For a few days it was WMD’s, then Saddam, then his Sons, then Abu-Musab something, then Muqtada Al-Sadr, then elections, then stability, then democracy etc etc and now sectarian voilence ….and another one is “Baghdad Crackdown”. Each face of the enemy suggesting that once this is over everything is going to be normal. These faces given to the enemy are nothing but to hijack the minds of the public, to divert from the fact that NOT A SINGLE IRAQI wants America there. We should just put in our minds and think where do these so called “terrorists” enter into Iraq from? They are born everyday within Iraq. What would a single person whose whole family is killed in a raid and he/she is left alone? God forbid, if I were that person, I will become a suicide bomber and kill a few soldiers who were responsible for the raid. This has what been happenning since the war started. The war killed more innocent Iraqi’s in 4 years than what 10 Saddams would have killed in 50 years.
Good that atleast now the troops being called back is looked at with top priority. Atleast another few thousands of lives will be saved now

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