The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

6 Responses

  1. Craigs right, about anytime you call him he will answer. I’ve had some great conversations with him and honestly think he is in it to put America back on the map. I’m still rooting for you my friend and hope that you get TFC up and running. Hopefully you will be one of the guys to start a domino effect in the alternative energy sector. Lord knows our entire PLANET needs this technology as well as so many others out and into the market NOW! Our current system is falling to pieces…..

  2. Being a Baby Boomer we grew up with this stuff and thought it was just the way things are. Growing up with it we didn’t know any difference. Watching this stuff now with the perspective of living through the 60’s, 70’s and so on makes me realize what a crazy time it was. It’s a wonder we could sleep at night. After living through the Cuban Missile Crisis as a kid I realized that life was cheap. By “turning the keys” and typing a code or two; Human Civilization could have been snuffed out.

Cold Fission Technology ~Hydrogen Oxygen TFC Inc. & America ! 281-704-2046 Tosupport Hydrogen News Clink the above link and donate ! We need Help ! Goodies for Good People Help Support Hydrogen News The Outline The goals The Concept ! Contribute and INVEST ! in Hydrogen News ! By Craig Westbrook ! America Wins on Hydrogen !Monster build prep @ the shop ! Craig Westbrook 281-704-2046

Operation Greenhouse was the fifth American nuclear test series, the second conducted in 1951 and the first to test principles that would lead to developing thermonuclear weapons (hydrogen bombs). Conducted at the new Pacific Proving Ground, all of the devices were mounted in large steel towers, to simulate air bursts. This series of nuclear weapons tests were preceded by Operation Ranger and succeeded by Operation Buster-Jangle. Operation Greenhouse represented new and aggressive designs for nuclear weapons. The main idea was to reduce the size, weight, and most importantly, reduce the amount of fissile material necessary for nuclear weapons, while increasing the destructive power. With the Soviet Union’s first nuclear test a year and half earlier, the United States had begun stockpiling the new designs before they were actually proven. Thus the success of Operation Greenhouse was vital before the development of thermonuclear weapons could continue. A number of target buildings, including bunkers, homes and factories were built on Mujinkarikku Islet to test nuclear weapon effects. The “George” explosion was the world’s first thermonuclear burn, though it was just a test design, unsuitable for weaponization. Shaped like a torus, the “George Device” had a small amount of heavy isotopes of liquid hydrogen (deuterium and tritium) placed at its center. The vast majority of its yield derived from fission. The energy output from the thermonuclear fusion in this test was