Question by chris78walker: hand spun elecric motor can it create electricity? if not a permanent magnet motor what other parts do I need?
Ok I pulled a motor out of a vacum what do I need to make it generate electricty. Assuming I can spin it fast enough.
Best answer:
Answer by Dave D
That is the wrong kind of motor, being series wound. It would be much easier to get a permanent magnet motor. Then you just spin it and electricity comes out of the terminals.
Unless you are a EE, I would not try to mess with a series wound motor as a generator – they are very finnicky and unstable.
This motor will certainly produce a voltage if you connect it to a load and spin it. The problem is that if the load increases, the current and hence the excitiation will also increase. This feeds more and more power to the load, giving the unstable performance. The output voltage swings wildly, depending on the load. You do not need a permenant magnet to generate power, you need it for a stable generator of known voltage. A shunt wound motor would also work if you provide suitable excitiation.
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