The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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9 Responses

  1. LOL! He didn’t do anything cause he is the most useless and clueless president we have had. And I thought Carter would hold that honor forever. And yes, He is in bed with Lobbyists and Business even though he says otherwise. Libs are notorious hypocrites and liars

  2. Nope….it’s because the top kill also has the potential to make the problem even worse…..but they’re doing it…so what’s your point?…oh, I get it…trying to find any little thing to whine about…good job.

  3. You heard correctly.

    I don’t think he’s going to be able to count on BP funding in the future.

  4. You need a better news provider. Campaign contributions are public record and Obama is NOT a top recipient of BP.

  5. McCain received 2.8 Million from Big Oil and Obama received 800 Thousand. The Oil Pollution Act of 1990 put certain limits on what Government and Industry must do during a crisis.

  6. I don’t think so. The top kill is not the same as saving the oil well. There is no room for Obama in the bp bed. The last administration is still under the covers.

  7. Obama didn’t take oil money from BP, he took “Green Energy” money because BP is also into that racket.

    He was in favor of expanding drilling in the Gulf and on record as saying so in the last 40 days. He did stall the plug efforts in an effort to allow BP to save the well at first but now the hole keeps getting bigger and harder to close. If he had did what he said he was going to do to big oil and kept his promises to the Environmentalist the leak would have been stopped in the first week. Now it’s out of control and we are screwed on a global level because it will follow Ocean currents. Thanks MR President for standing aside like Bush another empty suit as Global Corp destroys what belongs to the people of the world in the name of cost savings.

  8. No, you know it isn’t true. Mitch McConnell has gotten $1million from banks and credit card companies is he in bed with them?

Did Obama not authorize the Top Kill because he was trying to give BP the opportunity to save their oil well?

Question by Day V: Did Obama not authorize the Top Kill because he was trying to give BP the opportunity to save their oil well?
I heard he received the largest contribution of all past Presidents from BP. Sounds like Obama is in bed with the oil industry. Is that true?

Best answer:

Answer by RoseRed2
They snuggle under the blankets.

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