The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. perhaps you could simply double up (fold over upon itself) the material? it appears the sheet you have has a lot of extra material… that would effectively double the strength and should only impact transparence by about 2-3%

    Love your vids!

  2. That’s an interesting piece, Dan.
    Some things we discover, or uses for what we find when we merely relax a bit and “play” with an idea might not otherwise be evident or discovered. What were your expectations & results (beyond the obvious)?
    You didn’t give temperatures reached in this, or time to achieve them.
    Using the water from it for a shower would be great for camping if the time to heat is short enough. Thanks.

  3. This thing is about as practical as having a third leg in your ass…
    It only works for about an hour and it is costly to build. Why would u do this? Do u have so much time/money on your hands? :)
    I prefer your acrylic lens, at least they swivel and can be used all throughout the day.
    This contraption seems like a waste of time and resources.

  4. you should make a grid of kevlar cords underneath so you don’t have to worry about it sinking too far and don’t have to worry about the cords snapping or degrading in the weather.

  5. @GREENPOWERSCIENCE idk if this has been suggested.. what if you put a iron box and the focus to make a direct sunlight oven or some thing.. to well cook a turkey like i suggested.. one thing that might affect that idea.. would the position of the sun affect the focal point of the parabolic lens?

  6. Dan, have you heard of tire stoves? I understand they can generate enough heat to cook a meal with the amount of sunlight you have. Yet, I’ve never heard of anyone using one and was curious if you had. All the best!

  7. @c33r0k33 I believe it would focus the burn-point more.. however it would have to be clear (see through) ice, as bubbles in the ice would refract the light.

  8. I recommend this diving video from Norway – Using a Casio Exilim in a “plastic bag”:

    Diving in Norway – Flekkerøy

  9. You could have made charcoal by putting wood in an oxygen free container and allow the sun to create pyrolysis.

  10. Dan, please watch a documentary “What in the World Are They Spraying” whenever you have a few hours of free time.

  11. @c33r0k33 Of course ice would tend to have little air bubbles in it, unless you froze boiled water.

  12. It occurs to me that if you used some intermediate color instead of black to heat water for a solar shower, you might be able to get water to a nice lukewarm temperature and not have to mix in cold water with it.

  13. You could generate power with this heat source, boiling water produces steam which if i am correct is what they use at the neucler power plants to generate power.

  14. Dan, I am working on something right now that may be a big help to us both based on this hot water idea. Up here in South Carolina we fight Kudzu everyday and I am a dog lover so i do not want to spray anything to kill Kudzu with. Therefore I happen to know that water above 162 degrees in temputure will kill anything that is green. It works as my son killed a spot in our back yard to plant his garden in with many pans of boiled water from mom and dads electric oven. LOL. Can you help?

  15. very cool. …or hot! Last year I did about 20-25% of all my cooking using solar cookers. This year I’m spending most my time building an improved cooker. I wonder if the parabolic shaped water was ice if it would would cook the same. Things we think about in Michigan…

Giant Water Parabola Solar Cooker 1000f where there is water there is fire slow motion popcorn This is a 43″ diameter water parabola lens that can reach in excess of 1000f The water lens is running at about 80% of maximum power. The water needs to be distilled, rain or R/O for maximum power. I used well water to demonstrate that it will work with groundwater. The popcorn was filmed with a Casio EXILIM Pro EX-F1. Main video Canon canon XH A1 Last siphon scene Canon 7d
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