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How many nuclear power plants are in the US?

Question by Donovan V: How many nuclear power plants are in the US?
Doing a project for school. Need to know how many nuclear power plants there are in the US.

Best answer:

Answer by billrussell42
As of 2008, nuclear power in the United States is provided by 104 commercial reactors (69 pressurized water reactors and 35 boiling water reactors) licensed to operate at 65 nuclear power plants, producing a total of 806.2 TWh of electricity, which was 19.6% of the nation’s total electric energy generation in 2008. The United States is the world’s largest supplier of commercial nuclear power.

The only reactor currently under construction in America, at Watts Bar, Tennessee, was begun in 1973 and may be completed in 2012.

reference has a list

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