Question by Angie8: How to get rid of whiteheads on my forehead & acne?
Since I stop my birth control I been breaking out slow & now it has gotten worse. I tried using apricot scrub & that didn’t help. I also use neutrogena micro scrub that didn’t help either. I have very sensitive skin =( I heard clinique face wash for acne is pretty good but im afraid that will break me out. PLEASE HELP!! 25yrs old & im Filipino suffer from acne for almost 2yrs.
Best answer:
Answer by Elora
I also suffer from acne, although I am 18, so this might (hopefully) go away as I grow older. What I ended up doing is actually going to a dermatologist and now I take pills for my acne and I’ve been with clear skin for a while! I also find that CeraVe is an excellent facial cleanser and they also make a very light lotion that doesn’t leave your skin oily. The product is very good and it is good for sensitive skin. Also, something that can make your skin worse and irritate it a lot is over washing your face. I know it’s tempting because I use to do that until I decided to stop being so crazy and just believe the doctor, and I stopped randomly washing it when I just felt like it was awefull. I only wash it when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Another VERY important thing- do not pop your pimples. I know it is so tempting, you just want them gone, but if you let them go away on there own, or at least wait to pop them when they have fully surfaced and are “ready” and about to burst (yuck, i’m sorry) and then wipe it away using a Q-tip so that the pus does not get on your face. But if you can stand it just dont pop them at all, it spreads the bacteria to other parts of your face no matter how careful you are, it’s as if the bacteria has legs of it’s own and walks and lays eggs on other parts of your face… okay I said alot, I’m sorry! Hope this will help.
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