The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Random Post

(may be broke/outdated!)

41 Responses

  1. Ok. EVERYBODY LISTEN UP. In order to solve the peak oil problem here’s what we do. Bring the dinosaurs back so we can kill them and they will replenish our oil reserves.  There it is. You have 2 weeks to complete my assignment. You’re not going to be able to finish the assignment on time if you keep reading this?!?!

  2. wow. and you can apply this information to your life and benefit from this information how? so glad i didn’t waste my time and money on college to become someones slave. lol

  3. yes you can, based on previous extraction rates. Hubbertarian analysis was correct on the prediction of peak oil.

  4. your cute little reply seems to be missing diminishing fossil fuel reserves and growing global concern about climate change. Besides, alternatives are popping up.

  5. just and academic with nothing to study. You can’t quantify how much oil is in the ground.

  6. it was only a simplified logic, he already mentioned that the R/P is at more or less constant of 40 years because of reserve addition (discovery, enhanced recovery, etc).

  7. This Guy is Fucking So Boring For a Professor, He Looks Like he is not Even Sure of What hes saying.Wondering if he is really a Professor and this is not acted

  8. your cute little formula is lacking terms. here are some examples:
    – discovery rate
    – rate of technological breakthrough (unlocking new reserves e.g methane hydrates)
    – rate of oil consumption increase/decrease
    – change in oil/gas price (this is a probabilistic term that also unlocks new reserves that were previously uneconomical)

  9. The reason it’s reserves over production is because the oil is either still in the ground or it’s been produced and is now not calculated as a reserve. If this was reserves over consumption there would be an error in the math because you have oil that has been produced but not consumed. This oil would now shift the graph up because the reserves have lowered but consumption has stayed the same giving us less time till we run out. If I understand, I think that’s why.

  10. no, it is clearly incorrect. Just because you “produce” oil (extract it from a reservoir) does not mean that you consume it.

  11. I think the formula should be reserves over consumption, not reserves over production. Anyways..

  12. I agree, except that congress wouldn’t let Ron Paul enact the policies he would have been elected to put into action. Unfortunately, he won’t be elected (I WILL vote for him though), and action will only be taken by necessity, which will only come about by emergency. It will literally take a catastrophic event for anything to be done, and when that happens things it will be so late that it might get medeival.

  13. Unless Ron Paul gets in it all going to stay the same until the final collapse…

    He is the only one advocating a Liquidation of the debt and rebuilding the country, but we know people hate swallowing the poison pill.

    People always take the easiest route, they never do the hard job first…until forced!

  14. I’m not defending the petrodollar, just observing it and noting that’s a better argument than nation building. Yes, America is living on credit on the world’s back and the sooner the world wakes up and lets us collapse the better off they will be and we can finally begin to rebuild from scratch, hopefully reinstituting the constitution and capitalism.

  15. Man you are a complete freaking idiot, this is a new business venture for Scott developing this news channel, at the start of all new businesses you don’t make money so how long does a business last you freaking idiot if it never does make money?

    Also you have to prove yourself before YT invites you into the Monetization Program, idiot!

  16. So millions innocent civilians in other countries die so America can have cheap gas is all right?

    Man read your post you are saying if the states didn’t go to war and kill freaking millions of people you would have to park your gas guzzling SUV.

    Americans don’t realize that the real cost of your gas is through the roof, your military is paid by your taxes to force free trade on the world in US dollars, you are really paying more than likely over $15 gallon, plus blood of innocents

  17. The price of gas is never going down, NEVER! it has no where to go but up, the US dollar is losing massive amounts of value, not to mention use around the world which combined with printing more is going to lead to Hyper-inflation.

    I lived in Brasil in 91, and based on min wage today compared to Brasil then gas was $71 a litre! For those Americans not familiar with the metric system there are 3.71 litres to your gallon, do the math…

  18. Hey dude–All of Canada’s oil companies are American–except oil sands which China invested billion$–more like suckered. They could not buy any other resource companies.
    Get this, 100% Petro Canada and 51% Sunaco were  owned by Canadia/Ontario. Free trade–no tax–Bronfman’s bought and transfered all to USA control. Knock off the china cr@p

  19. “Another obvious thing is that every time you respond to me you’re also triggering an advertisement on the video before scott vid starts.”

    You replied to me first.
    This triggers an email being sent to me to notify me that you replied.
    The email provides a link to the “All Comments” page.
    I do not see any ads when i reply to you.

    You might want to consider changing your username to something more suitable, like n00b.

  20. Im not talking to myself. Obviously you have to be responding. Another obvious thing is that every time you respond to me you’re also triggering an advertisement on the video before scott vid starts.

    I find that funny. GIVE ME MY SPACE!

  21. “Please give me space! lol.”

    You are the one who chose to reply to me. Not the other way around. At any rate all is not lost — i received some excellent advice from onmyhway (sp?) from today’s thread.


    peace out

  22. My last post is not to say it’s good we went to war, just that if we hadn’t maybe the cost of gas increase would have been higher overall than the cost of the wars.  What amazes me more than anything is how clueless and/or uninterested the public is about our precarious situation. Most people think the economy will still come back. The smart people have math skills and are stacking PMs and preparing for the storm.

  23. There has been a lot of attention to that lately, that the reason for Iraq, Libya and now Iran is their intent to leave the dollar as payment for oil, and that makes sense. Not to say right or wrong, but if that IS the case for all the wars, I can see an argument that the wars were in the self interest of the US, particularly if gas would have been $12 a gallon for years now if we hadn’t gone into Iraq. Having said that, I agree on losing petrodollar status soon.

  24. Im slightly afraid. This is true. You scare me with the nonsense.

    Please give me space! lol.

  25. “And make sure to unsub since you act so ridiculous over advertisements that you can skip in 5 secs.”

    What do you care what i do? You really are afraid, aren’t you?

  26. Everytime you come to comment, you start an advertisement. Go away….You said good bye. No need to respond to this comment.

    Go on your way. And make sure to unsub since you act so ridiculous over advertisements that you can skip in 5 secs.

  27. “If there are no ads how the hell do you expect Scott to make a living and provide you this information.”

    The same way he did before he turned them on.

  28. “You dont have to watch it bro.”

    I never said i did. But if i am forced to watch an ad first, i won’t. Period.

    Good bye.

  29. Love the new format. As always a great job. I look forward to this each day.

  30. clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right, here I am, stuck in the middle with you!

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