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3 Responses

  1. There are many ways to cure acne. You have to experiment to find what is best for you. Everyone is different, so don’t give up! :)

    The BEST treatment is prevention! My answer is already pretty long, so here is a good link(:

    I always wash my pillow cases every week or so. It really helps!

    Avoid putting things on your face with a scent, such as hand lotion. It wil most likely cause more breakouts.

    “Non-comedogenic” products are best for your skin. Non-comedogenic simply means they will not make your face break out more. They won’t have a scent or any other harmful ingredients.

    You can’t go wrong with washing your face…
    Wash your face twice a day, with the hottest water you can stand. Hot water will open those pores for a much more thorough clean. Rinse with cold water to close those pores back aswell!

    Now when you are buying face wash.. You will notice there are two main active ingredients to treat acne.
    – Salicylic Acid
    – Benzoyl Peroxide

    Both are very effective treatments. When used together they can be even better. Just make sure to keep your skin moisturized, they will dry your face quickly.

    Salicylic Acid – Works by causing the cells of the epidermis to shed properly. This prevents pores from being clogged. The acid is also known to break down black heads as well as whiteheads. It also allows your skin to absorb more benzoyl peroxide.

    Benzoyl Peroxide – Removes dead skins cells and fights bacteria. When used correctly, it can also reduce redness. Probably the most effective by far.

    Here are some other options if you want to experiment with at-home methods…

    I prefer to use natural products myself. Tea Tree oil has been proven to work as well as Benzoyl Peroxide with less side effects. Although it takes longer to show results. It isn’t for everyone!

    I’ve started using a witch hazel toner. I love this stuff. It works very well to reduce redness and irritation. Here is a link for witch hazel uses and benefits..

    Some research suggests vitamins such as A and all of the B Vitamins help with acne. Here’s the link for that..

    Like I said before, everyone is different, so give everything a try! Here is a wiki article, for extra info!

    Rubbing Alcohol… Will fight bacteria that cause acne. But alcohol will deffinatly dry that face fast, and potentially cause redness.
    * This can actually make acne worse if you dry out your skin… Use in moderation and moisturize often.

    To even skin tone and also fight acne I use an Alpha Hydroxy Acid lotion at 10% strength, 3 times a week. It is usually used for wrinkles and scars.(:

    A healthy diet is also very helpful.. But come on, we all know that isn’t easy. Here’s a link for tips on dieting to improve skin.

    Drinking water helps a ton. Your body uses it for everything, including removing harmful things from your skin. Half a gallon(8 cups) is recommended.

    Moisturizing is VERY important for a healthy face. It will prevent a lot of dryness. When you get dryness and cracks in the skin, you are just asking for more acne.
    Always remember to use non-comedogenic products.

    * If you don’t moisturize, your face will become oily, making you want to touch and wipe your face, spreading bacteria and other crap into those pore! Plus oil is more likely to attract dirt and dust.

    Finally, NEVER touch your face. It’s probably the worse thing you can do. Besides popping your pimples… If you pop them, it will make them spread, leave scars, or even get infected. I don’t advise popping them… But if you really must… Do it the right way! Here is a wiki article..

    Remember not to be discouraged. Everyone gets acne. It’s normal. You just have to experiment to find out how YOU can control yours. Good luck :)

  2. Here are some tips that might be helpful:
    1) Tea Tree Oil
    2) Lemon juice
    3) Apple cider vinegar
    4) Bamboo extract

    Tea tree oil is a popular home remedy for acne. It is an essential oil that is diluted and applied topically to acne lesions.

    How is tea tree oil believed to work? Tea tree oil contains a constituent called terpinen-4-ol that’s thought to be responsible for most of tea tree oil’s anti-bacterial activity. Because tea tree oil can kill bacteria, applying topical tea tree oil to acne lesions is believed to kill Propionibacterium acnes, the skin-dwelling bacteria involved in acne.

    Applied lemon juice or apple cider vinegar to face or you can drink it through using it in water a few drops a day. Will help with both acne, and scars as well.Also another way you can get rid of acne is by taking bamboo extract something I started when I had the problem really does work. Hope this works for you.

    OR: Here are seven best methods to clear up blemishes.

    Tea-Tree Oil
    To treat mild, occasional breakouts.
    How it works: Distilled from the leaves of an Australian shrub, tea-tree oil contains antibacterial and anti-microbial compounds called terpenoids that help kill the bacteria that, when trapped behind oil in a plugged pore, lead to acne breakouts. Try Burt’s Bees Herbal Blemish Stick ($8, A roller-ball tube makes for easy application.

    Studies testing tea-tree oil against the gold-standard acne treatment, benzoyl peroxide, have shown that while the latter works more quickly, tea-tree oil is equally effective over time. And it results in fewer annoying side effects—namely, dryness and redness.

    If you have sensitive skin.
    How it works: A time-tested, gentle acne fighter, sulfur “acts like a sponge to draw oil out of blocked pores,”. This dries up pimples and keeps sebum production in check, helping to prevent future blemishes.

    Sulfur has a distinct smell—think rotten eggs. Most preparations that use it contain a masking fragrance. However, to play it safe (and avoid scaring off coworkers), apply these products at night.

    Salicylic Acid
    To treat and soothe red, inflamed blemishes.
    Salicylic acid can have a calming, anti-inflammatory effect on pimples. “It also breaks down the ‘cement’ between cells in clogged pores to help unplug them,”

    Salicylic acid is less irritating than more potent treatments, so it may be better for those with dry skin. It also tends to work well on stubborn blackheads.

    Benzoyl Peroxide
    To spot-treat a blemish fast.
    How it works: This top acne treatment is an antibacterial agent, killing the bacteria that cause pimples to form, says Gross. Because benzoyl peroxide is so powerful, it helps blemishes go down quickly; just make sure to use a non-comedogenic moisturizer first to minimize dryness. Initially, it can cause dryness and redness. Also, “it bleaches towels and clothes,”.

    Nightly to prevent breakouts.
    How they work: Retinoids, which include over-the-counter retinol and prescription-strength Retin-A, reduce acne by altering the oil chemistry on the skin. “They help stop dense sebum from getting stuck within the pores,” says Gross. Without oil deposits, bacteria can’t grow and cause blemishes. Since retinoids can make skin sensitive to the sun, doctors recommend using them at night (and being diligent about wearing sunscreen during the day). To avoid irritation, apply every other evening to start, gradually working up to nightly use. Bonus benefit: Retinoids have been shown to increase collagen production and plump fine lines, making them a good choice if you’re dealing with acne and wrinkles.

    Blue-Light Therapy
    If you want the latest preventive treatment—and don’t mind plunking down some cash for it.
    How it works: Once or twice a week, you use a handheld device to aim a beam of blue light onto your skin. “Its wavelength hits and kills acne-causing bacteria,” so any brewing pimples never come to the surface.

    This method will not address existing blemishes. Doctors typically suggest combining blue-light therapy with other remedies, such as topical treatments. To make things easy, consider a blue-light device that comes in a kit. At-home devices are smart alternatives to multiple costly treatments at a doctor’s office.

    Oral Antibiotics
    If you experience painful bumps below the skin surface and your pimples leave lasting marks. “Oral antibiotics act from the inside to kill the bacteria that cause acne,” says Keri. They also reduce the inflammation associated with pimples, so deep-seated blemishes hurt less and leave fewer scars.

    Doctors usually prescribe them to get a severe condition under control and may then switch to topical treatments. Some antibiotics must be taken on an empty stomach, so read the label carefully.

How to get rid of whiteheads on my forehead & acne?

Question by Angie8: How to get rid of whiteheads on my forehead & acne?
Since I stop my birth control I been breaking out slow & now it has gotten worse. I tried using apricot scrub & that didn’t help. I also use neutrogena micro scrub that didn’t help either. I have very sensitive skin =( I heard clinique face wash for acne is pretty good but im afraid that will break me out. PLEASE HELP!! 25yrs old & im Filipino suffer from acne for almost 2yrs.

Best answer:

Answer by Elora
I also suffer from acne, although I am 18, so this might (hopefully) go away as I grow older. What I ended up doing is actually going to a dermatologist and now I take pills for my acne and I’ve been with clear skin for a while! I also find that CeraVe is an excellent facial cleanser and they also make a very light lotion that doesn’t leave your skin oily. The product is very good and it is good for sensitive skin. Also, something that can make your skin worse and irritate it a lot is over washing your face. I know it’s tempting because I use to do that until I decided to stop being so crazy and just believe the doctor, and I stopped randomly washing it when I just felt like it was awefull. I only wash it when I wake up and before I go to sleep. Another VERY important thing- do not pop your pimples. I know it is so tempting, you just want them gone, but if you let them go away on there own, or at least wait to pop them when they have fully surfaced and are “ready” and about to burst (yuck, i’m sorry) and then wipe it away using a Q-tip so that the pus does not get on your face. But if you can stand it just dont pop them at all, it spreads the bacteria to other parts of your face no matter how careful you are, it’s as if the bacteria has legs of it’s own and walks and lays eggs on other parts of your face… okay I said alot, I’m sorry! Hope this will help.

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