The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. In a hydro-electric power station, a dam is built to hold water at a high position so that potential energy is stored. When water flows down, potential energy is converted into kinetic energy. The running water drives a turbine which turn drives a generator to produce electricity.

  2. @TheSingStarPrincess it is the force of the water due to gravity. the amount of energy a dam can hold is E=mgh (m=mass of water g=acceleration due to gravity (9.8) h=height difference of water levels) this ‘falling water’ spins the turbine in the same way water spins a water wheel. it is just that this mechanical energy (spin) is converted to electrical energy (electricity) by the generator

  3. I am also doing a project on Hydropower! One Question, Is it the force of the water that creates the power? Please Reply

  4. hydroelectric generators, solar panels, and wind turbines are the only difference between us and the alien race that will enslave us someday

  5. Onlyy 100,000 olympic pools? Sounds like too few to me…probably more like 500,000 a day.

  6. @Naddy008
    lolz im so stereotypical i needed dis for a science project…. :P u prob feel special XD

  7. In Sri Lanka we use hydro-electric power stations ONLY. No coal no nothing just water.

  8. “this is how all nations should produce electricity”

    Other renewables are good too. Geothermal has less environmental impact.

    “not use nuclear power tt is destroying our beloved planet!”

    The amount of earth that nuclear power has damaged detectably is absolutely tiny. Transport does most of the damage. Then farming. Then fossil fuel power generation.

    “bastards that should not be supported!”


  9. this is how all nations should produce electricity and not use nuclear power tt is destroying our beloved planet!
    the elite hates using the simple method as it doesnt cost too much, instead the elite uses the expensive ones at the back of the population! bastards that should not be supported! salut

  10. I like this method better than the fossil fuel power. It’s much cleaner. I’d love to have something like this for my house as well as work on a project for heating as well. Just think…free electricity, free heating, and if you have a diesel powered car free gas when you collect over a thousand gallons of used cooking oil.

Hydroelectic Power – How it Works

How hydroelectric generating stations produce electricity.