The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

25 Responses

  1. BP has a horrible safety record. They routinely blow up plant units and kill plant workers. Simply allowing them to drill in the gulf was already conspiracy enough.

  2. i have the same ability to upload up to 2gb video clips, it think it’s from adverts on your videos

  3. The guy BP sent out with Jessie is lying ,you can see it in his eyes, and not too good at it,

  4. this BP mess has alot of messy info spreading,the use of this corexit ,that is used to keep oil from rising is a poison ,there is one heartbraking video on you tube of a young girl that died weeks after breathing some putrid air near the gulf right after BP started using this corexit ,there have been many mysterious deaths and flu like diseases reported along the coast ,its even said that this oil spill could trigger the new madrid fualtline to become active ,the whole mess stinks

  5. Don’t have to worry. The Sheeple will not do anything about this. Don’t have to worry too much anyway. The Earth will slowly die.

  6. @PaintTrains Imagine!!! The Iraq War and Halliburton shows up anywhere that oil is involved! Do you recall that when the U.S. first went into Iraq the projection by those dickheads taking us in there were talking about how cheap oil and gasoline would be for the American Public?? I remember it like it was yesterday!!! Follow the money always!!!!

  7. The U.S. Government will never disclose any information about this or anything that is in the works. Just an ongoing butt fucking of the American People.

  8. Sad thing is, no one on the hill, or in the houses, will even admit this sh*t may even be slightly right, let alone bring charges on these war criminals.
    Its sad the worms will get to them, before the people they screwed over.

  9. we the people need to begin to plan a revolution against our government.
    the history books need us

  10. Just what are we going to do about this, these people NEED TO PAY/PRISON for their TREASON AGAINST THIS COUNTRY AND THEIR CRIMES AGAINST THE WILDLIFE that survive off and in of these waters!

  11. @kyawee13 Do some fucking research you fool, So they just made all this up for TV, now who sounds retarded…

  12. Anyone notice the chap Jesse talks to has a masonic ring on?

    And what about when Jesse was wearing the Ordo Ab Chao 33 jacket on WWE?

    I like Jesse and I want to trust him, but until these questions have been answered by Jesse himself I can’t trust him.

    I know that BP are evil and needs to be exposed for this shit their doing.

    Please look up SYNTHIA in the gulf…

    People are dying from this CRISIS CAPITALISM: JybIBe02-6Y

  13. @TheLongrin Right on! That’s what I was wondering, too.Maybe you’re getting hit with macdonalds commercials in the 44min version ;) Either way, It’s SICK what BP and the US gov get away with.It makes me sad to be a human being…

  14. Not a good quality show like others i have seen , this gets a 3/10 from me

  15. Has anyone noticed how after this played the first time, the next time it was “supposed” to play again, there was some most shocking or something in it’s place?? Now the show is off when it was supposed to premiere??? Thank god in a way for youtube, because they havent been playing this lately.

  16. This is a joke right? This is the most illogical thing I have ever heard. This is like loose change mated with a retarded child,

  17. the skinny skeptic guy on the team is perfect example of brainwashed sheeple.If you paid attention in school you would see that no government has ever had the peoples well being in mind.All the powerful care about is staying powerful nothing else matters.ever heard of people who horde cats,dogs,birds,garbage and so on,well these people are money hoarders.they cant get enough of it.Also if someone is bullying you do you think writing them a letter is going to make them stop beating you up.

  18. how come others versions are 44 minutes long??? is there a conspiracy here also?!?

  19. why only get paid for the oil when you can get insurance monies for all the oil, plus clean-up…

  20. On the coast line and in the town centre is there oil underground, maybe they are trying to make a ghost town , so they can mow it down and set up oil rigs. spend money to make money .

Jesse Ventura Conspiracy Theory – BP Oil Spill

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