The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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2 Responses

  1. why doesnt obama do some scientific research with some SCIENTIFIC researches that know what they are talking about to TELL US WHAT IS SAFE, that would be great for his stupid votes but guess what? he doesnt care because he only cares about ALL other countries other than the US people, he wants to become and WORLD leader given NWO, wake up people do not vote for this guy again.

  2. they have destroyed everything why don’t they just admit it, it is a fucking sick joke when they say that this oil will brake down much faster because of the heat of the gulf. that oil will be there just as long as the oil at the Alaska spill.

Long Term Effects of BP Spill Well Known, Oil Bubbles Up Beneath Barrier Island

Oil Spills have caused health effects and cancer to whole regions many times in the past. Oil is a well known carcenogen that kills people, animals and plants for years. Read the label at the gas station. Cancer and Birth Defects. A chemical dispersant that can break down an oil spill at a concentrate of 1% IN SEAWATER is VERY Toxic to organisms that have oil and water in them like mammals with fat. This was not dishsoap. Louisiana’s health is being determined by a criminal corporation and a conspirator government. Here is the FRAUD Government officials defended the credibility of their report saying about 75 percent of the oil is gone. Magically disappeared. They said that description is based on direct measurements of the spill as well as estimates, and that the instruments they’ve used to capture the scope of the disaster have improved since it began April 20. NOT based on the amount of oil on the seafloor and under the surface of the gulf. A crook!!!!!! In Congress, lawmakers pressed scientists to explain what effects a chemical used to get rid of some of the oil will have on the Gulf’s ecosystem. BP applied nearly 2 million gallons of a chemical dispersant to the oil as it spewed from the broken underwater well. The aim was to break apart the oil into tiny droplets so huge slicks wouldn’t tarnish shorelines and coat marine animals, and to make the oil degrade more rapidly. The government report released Wednesday shows that 9.6 percent of the estimated 172 million
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