Unspillable Alternative Energy Website


www.cspan.org May 27, 2010

BP Rap Featuring the New World Order Symphony with FantasticBabblings, Gangsta FB, Dudley Q. Boone, and Barbara W. Bush. FB: The slime from Deep Horizon spreads a slick across the Gulf. People, pelicans and porpoises agree we’ve had enough. So you oily sons of bitches need a change in attitude: First you stop the flow of bullshit then you stop the flow of crude. No the top kill didn’t stop it, no the cap won’t plug the hole. Mighty is the force of nature cocky men cannot control. What is real cannot be greenwashed when the people know what’s true, But the saddest truth of all is no one knows just what to do. Gangsta FB: Unctious, oily, slippery and slick Petroleum Conglomerate Suck my ****! BP BP Dudley: from Wasila she conversed with Baby Jesus in the air. The infant said “Sarah Palin move away from there!” He said “the the Real America is where you ought to be.” So she packed up her delusions and she headed for TV. (Boocoos of money!) She saw the Gulf of Mexico from Bobby Jindal’s yard. She thought it was Rush Limbaugh cause it is a tub of lard. Just keep the black crude pumping up; it’s God’s holy will. Like I said to Levi Johnston “drill baby drill!” Gangsta FB: Unctious, oily, slippery and slick Petroleum Conglomerate Suck my ****! BP BP Barbara: Both Georgie and his Poppy drilled and made a lot of dough. We all lived in the White House, Georgie with his Xanax ho. I love a pearl necklace in the oysters they are grown, But BP oil is killing them, I need some more