Hank hits you with a ton of news this time – Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos has plans to retrieve Saturn V rocket engines from the bottom of the Atlantic; new research on the impacts from the Deep Water Horizon oil spill to life in the Gulf of Mexico; some indications that humanity has affected even “natural” disasters like earthquakes; findings of radioactive iodine off the coast of southern California; and some possible insights into the cause of colony collapse disorder, which is devastating the nation’s honey bee population. Like SciShow on Facebook: www.facebook.com Follow SciShow on Twitter: www.twitter.com References for this episode can be found in the Google document here: dft.ba scishow, science, news, titanic, amazon, jeff bezos, apollo 11, saturn V, space, engine, rocket, sonar, NASA, museum of flight, seattle, deepwater horizon, oil spill, gulf of mexico, ALVIN, navy, floc, coral, research, zooplankton, food chain, NOAA, dolphin, stranding, stranded, marine mammals, earthquake, USGS, man-made, hydraulic fracturing, fracking, natural gas, geology, geologists, natural disasters, marine biology, fukushima daiichi, iodine 131, kelp bed, radioactive, contamination, honey bee, colony collapse disorder, harvard, biology, high-fructose corn syrup, insecticide, pollination
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