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LINKS BELOW – All credit goes to KafkaWinstonWorld www.youtube.com I am so angry, and blown away that hardly see the Sun or breathe fresh air. i loved being outdoors 24/7, I loved walking my dogs in the afternoon, by far my most peaceful time, and three times this week I had to cut short the walk because what was in the air was too intense. I also love rivers, but the river here is literally a dead zone; it was GE’s dumping site for PCB’s. I WANT NATURE BACK, THE FRESH AIR, THE CLEAN RIVER, THE PEACEFUL WALK I loved being outside 24/7. Now I can’t stand outside around here, because what you see in the video is what it is like here every day. www.krqe.com www.license.state.tx.us – home page www.license.state.tx.us presscore.ca Chemtrails are real — toxic silver iodide cloud seeding to induce heavy rainfall presscore.ca why US used HAARP to create the Japan 9.0 earthquake disarmament.un.org Prohibition of Environmental Modification Techniques presscore.ca UN resolution against needed today to stop the US from using the banned weapons of mass destruction www.freepatentsonline.com Creation of artificial ionization clouds above earth www.freepatentsonline.com Power Beaming System www.freepatentsonline.com Nuclear sized-explosion without radiation presscore.ca electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like. presscore.ca HAARP being used to create floods to destroy World’s food supply. www …
Video Rating: 5 / 5