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48 Responses

  1. I agree with youI listened to the man speak from NASA on this thing and well,everything he said,is what is being described.He said it was so bright the first object was it just looked like a massive cross in the sky and he said blue and white. He also said thats the first one to come.It just seems the more I listen to him, the more, this comet is exactly what he describes.But he also said they others thought it was a failed star, he felt the opposite.So yes he already said theyd call it a comet.

  2. hi, Rock and snow does not make something shine 1/2 the brightness of the sun… I believe that this is two stars that have smacked into each other, to form something new, so what ever it is … it is not made of rock and ice. But it’ll be interesting to see what effect it has on Mars !!! because what ever it does to Mars, will have an effect on Earth, but we will just have to wait and see !!! I believe that NASA have known about this for alot longer than what they are saying.

  3. that photo of hartley is actually called 103p/hartley which was discovered march 15 1986 by malcom hartley. now do you actually think they are gonna have a picture of this brightest comet as of 2 days most pictures are renditions of data. this is not tv so do some research and understand how they get images like they do

  4. Perhaps – ‘Elenin’ could hit Earth: on – cca November 15th 2012 – between South Africa and South Pole area? Perhaps.

  5. its a sign of wisdom and intelligence when a someone admits to being fooled. The discovery that one’s been deceived does one of two things: 1) make ya angry and closes the mind (as to not get “taken again”) OR, 2 teaches you caution and to remain skeptical about the new things you learn. Im glad to see you fall into the second group. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence . Peace mate

  6. NASA is lying again. The photo looks familiar. It was from sometime past in the past. Something doesn’t add up. Asteroid Hartley similar to the asteroid Eros.

  7. I admit I fell for the comet elenin hype. I never thought it was going to hit us, just with all the hype I was expecting something to happen. And although it motived me to take precautions, like store some food and buy a gun, (something I should done anyways.) I did waste a lot of time watching videos that were total bs. Thanks Tat, you have good one too bud.

  8. That photo is from the Astoria that came in last year! I remember it,, it was all over the net. I think it was in Sept.

  9. Put in Apophis in google search engine and then images funny, that rock looks just like the picture they are sayin it is. Just sayin

  10. Through the suffering, we fight, No end in sight.
    Until we see the light, No end in sight.

  11. Im totally with you on this one.. This is just more smoke and mirrors so that everyone looks at one spot in the sky while elsewhere the real event is happening.

  12. that nasa guy is a douche, youre absolutely correct on this.
    they put out the information then laugh at us and mock at us that nothing is going to happen.
    then comes yu55, then comes elenin, then comes like 3 other near earth objects.
    its pathetic.

    now its this c/2012 comment which they already knew about but didnt release the information.
    They claim to see planets being born 50 million light years away but they didnt see this HUGE BRIGHT comet past pluto in january?
    frikken liars.

  13. Good video, and like so many who are awake as to this corruption of the world, its like banging ya head against a brick wall trying to get people to awaken…. maybe the fluoride has already dumbed them down.

  14. So who funds this program, who pays for the fuel these large planes burn..who pays for the chemicals they release..who pays the pilots..each state? and why dont more privvate or even commercial pilots speak up when they witness a plane sprying something??? its disturbing to me.. LOOK UP AND WATCH YOUR SKY PEEPS!!!!

  15. you are so correct…but you can fight back and recoup our blue skles..,please have a look at my NYC chenmtrails channel….peace. ~Bryanb

  16. Your tone left me feeling beaten up. I am with you not against you! Come from that angle, not a finger-wagging teacher screaming ‘wake-up!”

  17. They will reduce our numbers with seemingly natural catastrophes then restrict our movements by tagging and controlling us monitoring our every movement, rationing our food, birth control, travel restrictions and the time of our death.

  18. excellent and true, folks just arent waking up fast enough..example telling a man i coach with about chemtrails a month ago , told him to check it out google it or utube, asked him tonight did you check it out…he said no..? its the same old story lead a horse to water but you cant make him drink..

  19. I m so happy when i listen an awaked and inteligent woman speaking about the truth! Most of the women don’t care about what is going on earth..

  20. Nothing pisses me more than showing my friends and family all the info and hard proof evidence about all the shit that goes on and having to cope with their rejection on these matters as if I was nuts..

    It is really, really difficult, but I don’t care. I won’t give up, they will have to sooner or later open their eyes.

    “Three things can not b elong hidden: The Sun, The Moon and The TRUTH – Buddha.”

  21. Speak out, tell people, use your 1st amendment. The more that know, the better chance we have. As a matter of fact, congress was sent a notice or letter on HAARp rings in storm cloudswhich are being used to predict the weather like the tornados in

  22. Love this!!! To be silent about the biggest crime in human history makes you 100% complicit – do NOT remain silent and stop your stupid smiling about “conspiracies”!!!

  23. Also, about the Japan Earthquake, They tried to sabotage them with the big “Toyota Recall” although it was the cars being manufactured in US Plants…that didn’t work to well because Japan was Johny on the stick supplying the replacement parts, so what better way then to really dis-assemble the country.

  24. I think people should join together and protest, perhaps take up a class action case against the cities and states where people are testing high in aluminum blood draws, it would be difficult to link but it can be done. Keep the word going.

  25. Ok, so after people wake up what would you suggest they actually do about this madness?

  26. after they spray the air around my house in s. cali, my lungs literally burn like they are on fire. i had to have some blood work done. i asked them to also run an aluminum test. the results came back that i have a ‘highly elevated amount of aluminum’ in my blood. if you live in an area of heavy spraying, i suggest that you go get a blood test for aluminum.

    japan had an earthquake sent to them because they made it clear japan were against the NWO and refused signing up with it

  27. very good video, i tryed a month ago to post this kind of info on facebook. it wasnt taken very well, lots of love god bless and thank you.

  28. This is sadly real and not natural occurrences. It’s like a self induced global warming. It is beyond dangerous and it’s the kind of stuff that does scare you and keep you up at night. Thanks to the chemicals in our foods and flouride in our water most of the population are trapped in some hypnotic state. It’s pure evil and there are many aware of what is going on but fear keeps them in line. The intentions of this are all stated on the georgia guidestones that have stood for nearly 30 years.

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New Comet Discovered—May Become “One of Brightest in History” IT IS NOT PLANET X Louisiana Sinkhole Continues to “Eat Up” More Land — Sep. 26, 2012 UPDATE 9/25/2012 SINKHOLE ALERT “NATURAL GAS COMING OUT OF GROUND EVERYWHERE” Louisiana Alaska F-22s deployed to Pacific even as tensions escalate between China, Japan Big Sis: Obama Ready to Sign “Cybersecurity” Surveillance Grid Executive Order YOU CAN FIND THE TRUTH ON THIS PAGE Zombie Counterterrorism Training in San Diego “Dollar Index Headed for Rapid Collapse” Over Next 3 to 4 Weeks Top Muslim calls for UN to end free speech Ventura on CNN: ‘Every War Starts With a False Flag’ WWIII Is Coming Soon & Here’s Why!? Sinkhole: “Declaration of Emergency” to ensure public safety after shallow gas pockets found near edge of Napoleonville Salt Dome Three Days to Stop the Corporate Death Star Marines At US Embassy In Egypt Were Not Given Live Ammo, USMC Blogs Claim Jesse Ventura: “The Terrorists Won! We’re Not Free Anymore” Censored Jesse Ventura Show On FEMA Camps Survives On You Tube West Seattle’s now-famous ‘Hum’: Apparently NOT a fish’s fault September 11, 2012 at DOUBLE ASTEROID FLYBY: A pair of big, near-Earth asteroids will fly by the Earth-Moon
Video Rating: 4 / 5

LINKS BELOW – All credit goes to KafkaWinstonWorld I am so angry, and blown away that hardly see the Sun or breathe fresh air. i loved being outdoors 24/7, I loved walking my dogs in the afternoon, by far my most peaceful time, and three times this week I had to cut short the walk because what was in the air was too intense. I also love rivers, but the river here is literally a dead zone; it was GE’s dumping site for PCB’s. I WANT NATURE BACK, THE FRESH AIR, THE CLEAN RIVER, THE PEACEFUL WALK I loved being outside 24/7. Now I can’t stand outside around here, because what you see in the video is what it is like here every day. – home page Chemtrails are real — toxic silver iodide cloud seeding to induce heavy rainfall why US used HAARP to create the Japan 9.0 earthquake Prohibition of Environmental Modification Techniques UN resolution against needed today to stop the US from using the banned weapons of mass destruction Creation of artificial ionization clouds above earth Power Beaming System Nuclear sized-explosion without radiation electromagnetic waves can be used to stimulate geophysical events such as earthquakes, climate change, volcanic eruptions and the like. HAARP being used to create floods to destroy World’s food supply. www
Video Rating: 5 / 5