The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. Only way to take advantage of all this and beat the oil oligarchs is that we all join efforts to figure it all out and forget who gets the royalties, recognition, etc. Stanley M is gone and he committed the sin of selfishness, did not want to give it out for free, so the gov now has a way to keep everyone out of it, etc. I understand giving for free is not appealing to everyone but some great inventions that are tabooed like this one, has to be in the popular domain to make it available

  2. I have the inductance and capacitance measurements of Stan’s VIC transformer and cell on my website. globalkast(DOT)com/docs/VIC_Transformer_&_Cavity.pdf

  3. awesome tech. how about the guys that were sitting in the car when stanley was giving the interview don’t they know how the whole thing works, did they die too or running scared? if many people had the technology , they can do nothing about it! what are they going to try to kill us all?where are the parts at i will give it a shot..and how about that ogul car guy,shell bought his patents ,then the guy appeared dead in the side of the road!! unbelievable..let me get a try at it,….

  4. Maybe u guys can help me @ 3:01 The front display of this unit doesnt seem to fit anything. Anybody know what this is????? Thanks!

  5. give it up man…. let me have a look
    i do not understand why they can not figure it out
    trace down all the stuff and hook it up….if they get smoke….wrong slot….rebuild it and try again….
    tell them to give that stuff to me. i am not afraid of smoke…LOL circuit stuff is cheap…smoke it

    not doing any good collecting dust

  6. Yea I’ve heard the same about the people who bought it, just still trying to find out who bought everything. The system is very unique and complex, but I don’t think it would be that hard to figure out if you have all the circuits and equipment right there in front of you. Its pretty awesome on how it works. You have the PLL circuit finding and holding resonance on the cell to give the high voltages and then you have the gate pulse to resonate the circuit as a whole.

  7. yea great stuff
    thing is you guys have all the info…. some of you have had this info for some time
    your electrical engineers……make it work, man
    whats the deal, i heard some one bought this stuff…. no one can figure it out or what?
    i want to see it all….both sides. one by one…..give it up man
    little bits and pieces……is nothing…
    give it all up, every detail

Stanley Meyer WFC Circuits & Equipment

Please Visit for more info on Stan Meyer and his WFC Technology

Stanley Meyer interviewed in 1992, 6 years before his mysterious death. From Meyer’s total command of and excitement with his team’s creations, it’s obvious that this is technology that was operational and developing in many ways. In particular, his cryptic remarks about a new source of power arising when the re-combination of the oxygen and hydrogen was prevented seems very interesting. This is way beyond videos of local TV shows about Meyer driving his “water fuel cell” dunebuggy across the US This is reposted from – where there’s a link to a .wmv video download.
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