The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

24 Responses

  1. Great video! I just wish more people looked at logic then just over coming with emotion right away. We need to learn from our mistakes and overcome them to create a more valuable future.

  2. I live near a nuclear power plant, and i’m not worried, their safety systems have safety systems. Chernobyl was the Soviet Union, it is different.

  3. we are too obsessed with power. Someday we will run out of resources so why don’t we learn to be a bit more independent from certain resources before we start whining and being more green at the same time

  4. I live in Japan right now and I totally agree. Even though many people were affected, The Japanese government is starting to ban nuclear power. I can understand that people here are scared and want cleaner energy, but Japan’s currently using 30%(I don’t know exactly) nuclear energy. Take away that 30% and People living in Tokyo like me won’t have enough power. And most people just look at the cons of nuclear energy, not the pros…

  5. Actually, on Sim City you build a hydrogen plant because it’s the same price as a solar plant and you get a way bigger capacity. And it will never blow up.

  6. Who in Japan though it was a good idea to build a nuclear power station on a massive fault line?!

  7. You really need to do your research. So many mistakes the biggest is nuclear power plants are not banned from being built anymore although I wish they were that is not the case and what about the waste you really should now how long waste is around, longer than you will ever live also you said how there hasn’t been any other accidents extremely incorrect ignorance is bliss glad you feel safe though.

  8. I live in the Indian Point danger zone & I am scared SHITLESS. IT’S ON A FUCKING FAULT!

  9. Yucca mountain (Nye County, Nevada) Was the primary candidate for high level waste dumping decades ago, which was supposed to safely store waste for 10,000’s of years. But the NEC (Nevada Energy Commission) had a tiff with the EPA for dumping standards that were uselessly redundant, throwing a wrench in the whole project. And just recently the Obama Administration cut off all funding to Yucca, leaving billions of tax dollars to sit in a halted project. What a fun CBA project.

  10. try reading the gone siries it might change your mind on nucular power plants but you have got some great points

  11. When I was a kid I had an idea in which a country built a floating power plant in space built away from the Earth’s magnetic field, which gets its power by rotating a mechanical arm in space which would continuously turn since there is no friction in space the mechanical arm would attach to an electronic generator that would transfer electricity to the Earth through some sort of electric transport like wires or something. I was so naive then the main problem would have been the cost.

  12. Nuclear power is clean, safe, efficient, sustainable and affordable. I simply can’t believe that people use two outlier examples to tarnish a system of energy production that simply has no rival. Here’s a fact – when the oil runs out, everything will run on Bio-Diesel or Hydrogen. Hydrogen is unstable and explosive and diesel is polluting and flammable- far more accidents have been caused by diesel & hydrogen than by nuclear power, but nobody doubts these are the only viable alternatives.

  13. Oh shit, all you brainwashing Nuke supporters…

    Hey Yo!!! All you nuke-supporting gorilla retards!!!!!

    Go fuck yoursef, go fuck your banana,and go back to your African Jungle you brainwashing Chiggers…

    Why don’t you all Nuke freaks go back to your African junglesell banana and make a little bit of money in your monkey society.

  14. @speeder1674 I know that currently we havent manage to get a surplus , but i think that a working experimental reactor , will achieve this goal … ITER countries are working hard on that matter , anyway , your idea resembles Dyson’s sphere which has a Huuuuuuuuge energy output , but building it ? C’mon … we arent so advanced … , plus hydrogen is the most abundant element in the universe and through fusion we produce helium , another valuable gas …

  15. @sedmoagalnikful the problem with fusion power today is that it uses more energy than it produces so that would be a tough source of energy

  16. why dont we use microwave power because although it would be expensive to put loads of solar panels in space it would create a lot more power than solar panels on earths surface and its safe and clean all at the same time

  17. @de132 plus the largest uranium sites are in politically unstable countries … but we can invent fusion … 

  18. Nuclear power is the best solution , just if we invent the 4th generation of reactors , we will have uranium for 200 years ( because they are very efficient ) , and for nuke haters … Fukushima was old …

  19. @DisorientedFish Omaha had a nuclear power plant? i guess i was always wondering why the woodmen tower looked exactly like the wtc.

Nuclear Power And You

Jon discusses his thoughts on the pros and cons of atomic energy – specifically, nuclear reactors within the United States. Dan Brown’s video on nuclear power — – “The World According To Jon” In each episode Jon shares his opinionated and enlightened view of the world with you, by way of an unfiltered and sometimes harsh stream-of-consciousness. New videos uploaded every few days. Jonathan Paula is a 25-year-old professional YouTuber and creator of the hit web series, “Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?”. He graduated from Emerson College in 2008 with a degree in Television Production and Radio Broadcasting. He currently lives in Rockingham, New Hampshire with his fiancée. +++++++++++++++++++++++ Twitter ————- Facebook ——— Adventure Vlog — Game Time —— Main Channel — FAQ Video ——– T-Shirts ———– Facebook App — +++++++++++++++++++++++ Created by —— Jonathan Paula Camera ———- Panasonic HMC-150 Microphone —– Sennheiser ME 66 Software ——— Adobe Premiere Pro CS5 Computer ——- • ideoProductions © 2011 • ~