also featured at: FreeEnergyNews.org credits original uploader youtube.com empowering.whynotnews.eu & http Richard C Hoagland on Coast to Coast AM coasttocoastam.com en.wikipedia.org TOTAL MEDIA BLACKOUT MASS ALERT BP Spill reach Grand Isle Lousiana Media BlackOut Arrests for Taking Pictures 1-2 youtube.com Media threatened with arrest for filming footage of the area and the plumes of oil. Disaster far worse than being reported previously. BP in total control of what is happing in the disaster response. MARTIAL LAW MAY BE CALLED!! There is a MEDIA BLACKOUT. People are being ARRESTED. The media is not telling you the real story. theintelhub.com download whole show: www.manticoregroup.com www.metronews.ca www.nowpublic.com Oily Rain in Texas – vetters and debunkers welcome: curezone.com www.veritasshow.com EXOMATRlXTV BP Oilcapolypse empowering.whynotnews.eu project infopowerment Exposing NWO Mafia Agenda ExomatrixTV JohnKuhles whynotnews need2know untoldmysteries secret suppressed news alternativemedia Alternative Media Truthers Network secrets secret societies Mind Control Controversial Awareness NewWorldOrder Eugenics EXOMATRlXTV Grand Isle Louisiana ExomatrixTV John Kuhles infopowerment total media blackout on gulf oil spill viral fema bp of mexico disaster louisiana florida evacuations martial law cia fbi rig barrels wildlife obama whitehouse CIA Bilderberg NWO new world order NSA FBI central banking federal reserve board IRS economy jobs truthers campaign for liberty …
RT Alex Jones oil spill Conspiracy In The Gulf
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