Question by mummy to my beautiful layla: castor oil to induce labour?
ok seriously i have friend who’s 32 weeks pregnant moans about it every day and now to top it all of shes using CASTOR OIL to induce her labour ive told her that it can kill your baby and just to wait until your full term and the baby comes when its likes and she just doesn’t seem to care about her health or her baby’s health what can i do ????? im getting so annoyed that there are women out there would would desperately want to have a baby and can’t and she just doesn’t give to s**ts
castor is something what some people take to help them go to the toilet and used to be used to induce labour a long time ago it has been found dangerous for mother and baby and in Extreme cases cause death for both
excellent idea thank you
Best answer:
Answer by tinkerbell
What’s castor oil ?
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