Question by Lady Harley99: How can I get rid of Poison Ivy (the plant)….??
I have this blueberry bush that has Poison Ivy growing up in the middle of it… if you want to see it… I took a picture of it yesterday…
PROBLEM is, I am HIGHLY allergic to Poison Ivy!!
And it’s wrapped around the blueberry bush that, I’m afraid to have my hubby put something on it… don’t want it to kill the blueberry bush AND / or don’t want anything to “taint” our blueberries!
Oh, I didn’t pick any blueberries this year because of this Poison Ivy!!! So, any (good) help you can give will be greatly appreciated!!
Thanks, LH99 :o)
Best answer:
Answer by woodlands127
I would hire someone to come and get rid of it – I’m very allergic too, and it’s just not worth messing around with. Yes, you might lose the blueberry bush too, but are you absolutely positive you could clean them well enough to be safe to eat? Poison Ivy…what was God thinking when he came up with that?!?
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