Question by : massive toothache!!! and nothing is helping…?
I have an upper left molar that is cracked and probably infected. The short of it is I can’t get into the dentist (the highly recommended one I WANT to see) for 3 weeks. I’m terrified of the dentist, obviously. Every time I have this flare up, I can usually take care of it, but this time none of the “usual stuff” is working and the whole top row of teeth is throbbing. None of the following are helping:
-Clove oil/Eugenol
-Ice pack
-Green tea bags
-Peppermint tea bags
-Dr Tichenors mouthwash
-Hydrogen peroxide
-Warm salt water
-Garlic supplements
-Sensodyne toothepaste
-Tea tree oil
Some of these things usually work, but 2 nights ago, I was letting the toothe marinate in some peroxide & dr tichenors mouthwash to help kill the infection and numb the pain, which usually works, but all the sudden I got a pain that can only be described as an electric shock through my tooth. I suspect the mouthwash crept up and stung the nerve. Since then, I’ve been in more pain than ever-and I’ve had 2 abscesses in the past on other teeth. I KNOW I need to see the dentist, but does anyone have any input in the meantime? I should mention that ibuprofen certainly takes the edge off, but now I get massive rebound headaches when it wears off. And I’ve never had the electric shock pain before so I’m really paranoid about letting anything strong sit on the tooth because of the nerve ending suspicion. I also have no symptoms of abscess…yet.
Best answer:
Answer by Grin
Do you have any liquor? Fill a shot glass & hold the liquor in your mouth for a few minutes. then swallow it. Then refill the shot glass and drink this one. This should also help you slept through tge pain. This worked for me. I had a toothache 3 years ago and it was 2 days until I could get in to the dentist. Abesol also helped.
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