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17 Responses

  1. oh my god,and yours i wish it were a real UFO,because if it were all us stupid people’s all over the world would stop stepping on each other’s toe’s over little bit’s of dirt that no one wants anyway or oil,gold,minerals and dumb things that you can’t take with you when you die anyway,hell we as a planet may have to pull together and protect what we do have (earth),after all we are going to destroy it soon anyway RIGHT!

  2. @TruthLives
    I think its funny how you try and manipulate the UFO phenomenon to fit your pre-conceived religious agenda. I’m just wondering who your “god” is?

    Try reading the Sumerian texts that predate the first Bible by thousands of years. The Sumerians give a lot more information about the origins of mankind. You’ll also find that much of the Old Testament is almost a complete rip-off from the Sumerian texts.

    What I’m trying to say is… Don’t be too sure of yourself.

  3. UFO book reference: ‘Gathering of the forces of Light – UFOs and their Spiritual Mission’ by Benjamin Creme. Look up, The Star Sign, on YouTube. Thanks.
    UFOs cannot be shot down. Beware of dark ops campaigns out to discredit the world of UFO reality.

  4. Hasn’t this world been trying to shoot down GOD since Adam and Eve days? There ARE 2 types of UFOS. Like it or not! Evil coming out from inside the earth causing massive sink holes and Holy filled with GOD’S Angels keeping things at bay. This is now the Great Battle In The Skies beginning to take place. The evil UFOS will try to take over mankind while GOD gathers HIS Beloved Ones, plain and simple. The ? is, which type of UFO is now coming for you? Oh yeah, let’s shoot GOD out of the sky!

  5. @x4167 come on…those guys know their land like the back of their hand. If they shot it…..they got it! They are reporting it yet because they themselves are taking a minute to understand the situation.

  6. @x4167 come on…those guys know their land like the back of their hand. If they shot it…..they got it! They are reporting it yet because they themselves are taking a minute to understand the situation.

  7. @jaymthegenius I dont think so,if it was they would have said so immediately to brag about beating the terrorists.But that might just be the story later on as a cover

  8. They shot it down,but they cant find the debris,thats hilarious,makes you wonder if they really shot it down,obviously there is more to this story,im sure they did actually find debris if they really shot it down,and are now hiding what ever it was.

UFO Sighting | Israelis Shoot Down UFO Over Nuclear Power Plant | December 16, 2010

The Israeli Air Force shot down an unidentified flying object over the Dimona nuclear plant in the Negev Desert Thursday, the Israel Defense Forces said. The object appeared in a designated no-fly zone, the air force was scrambled and the object was shot down, the IDF said. The object could have been a party balloon, the IDF said, but forces have not yet found the debris to determine what it was. There have been unconfirmed media reports that it was a motor-driven object. The air force reacted according to procedure when the object was spotted, the IDF said. The Israeli daily newspaper Haaretz reported that last October “IDF warplanes intercepted an Israeli ultralight aircraft that accidentally flew into the area and forced it to land at an airstrip in southern Israel.” It also reported that “an Israeli surface-to-air missile downed a crippled Israeli fighter-bomber that strayed into the restricted zone” during the Six Day War in 1967. The craft’s pilot was killed.