The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

8 Responses

  1. The public is too busy watching the finale of American Idol and eating burgers to care. If they did care they would have already known about “Top Kill”, the term and the use of such a method has been bandied about on various left wing european media sources since the spill happened as the most likely way to correct it.

  2. Obama’s handlers were afraid that if the term “Top Kill” was made public too soon, too many people would mistake that for his policy of targeting Americans and Pakistanis suspected of terrorism with killing by drone missile attack.

    I believe they call that policy “Head Shot”.

  3. Information about the “top kill” method is in the public domain, it takes about 10 minutes to find it in an internet search. What’s different is that it has never been attempted offshore, even in shallow water.

    The Big Box method was supposed to be a way for BP to continue getting oil from the well, and continue to getting a return on their investment.

    Public demands mean nothing to BP.

  4. Unprecedented Oil Spill. Never happened before. Never had to deal with a break 5,000 feet deep. Obama is not a drilling expert, nor is he an Oil man. He relied on BP experts to stop and fix the problem just like you or I would do. I don’t take my car to a furniture store and ask them how to fix my transmission.

  5. What are you talking about? Any regular watcher of news on this event already knew about this “Top Kill” procedure. They would also know that it has never been successful on a spill of this type at this depth and as of yet has not stopped the spill.

    Stop trying to turn this into a political footbal and start watching Rachel Maddow if you want to be informed.

  6. Why aren’t we told everything in the first place??? This administration does not believe in telling us anything…they think we are stupid and should accept what we are told to do.

    Such as Health care .! Today they are saying the CBO has estimated that the health care bill will cost us THREE TIMES AS MUCH AS PREDICTED!

    DID WE NOT TELL PEOPLE THAT? YEP…now we are stuck with this abhorrent monstrosity white elephant that is no where as good as what we had.

    With the cost of this…..we could have given FREE health care to the 12 million that needed it. YES 12 million because ILLEGALS DON”T NEED IT!

    I am getting more angry as every day goes by with the deciet and deception of this administration. DO NOTHING but file lawsuits against states that are screaming for help….giving money to people and countries and global warming and nothing when we have a crisis. I am sick of him dividing this country by states and parties and race. I am sick of him calling AMERICANS names and inviting leaders to come here to INSULT us and then they have the NERVE to applaud them.

    NOV cannot come soon enough…and 2012 seems like a lifetime away.

    GOD HELP OUR COUNTRY…because this village idiot is not.

  7. they have been talking about top kill since the day after the platform finally sank.i don’t know why bp has waited this long to try it other than greed, but the info was out there

  8. The thing about top kill is that they don’t have the stuff just sitting around, ready to be used. It probably doesn’t store well. It takes time for it to be made and transported to the site. I’m worried that it may be they didn’t go to the top kill option right away because it may have environmental side effects almost as bad as the blown out well. A lot of this has never been tried at the depths they are working at, so they are learning as they go along. The physics are different from what they have used in the past. It may all look good on paper, and it may work in the lab and test runs, but you never know for sure until something happens and you actually have to use it.

Why wasn’t the public told earlier about Top Kill?

Question by gws35: Why wasn’t the public told earlier about Top Kill?
Why was the public kept in the dark about Top Kill, while the oil companies tried to save the oil with a big box that didn’t work?

It seemed like Obama cared more about saving the oil than he was in saving the environment from the biggest oil spill in history.

Obama said he was calling the shots from the beginning of the diaster response. When will he explain this decision?

If the public knew about Top Kill from the beginning, don’t you think the public would have demanded to use it, instead of some big box?
crazy2, you mean Obama relied on the fox for advise on how to run the henhouse?

Sounds like a rookie mistake, doesn’t it?

Best answer:

Answer by Shamus
There is a whole lot about this spill we are not being told about.

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