The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

6 Responses

  1. i don’t really know, but it’s not nuclear, it’s nucular. the “s” is silent.

  2. Nuclear Fallout!!! Ha!! But, in all seriousness, Human Error! Today, Nuclear Plants are very safe, but, given the Human Error Factor (We see this in almost everything, part of being Human), well…….Flash, Boom, Kiss your…..Cat goodbye! People need to become aware of the Responsibility involed. We tend to become lax when we depend on Technology to think for us! Other than that…Fire up the Glow Plug!!! Ha!

  3. what s? Nuclear energy from fission would be OK as a stop gap method on the way to nuclear fussion if not for human error, mother nature and sod’s law.

  4. In the producion of nuclear energy large amounts of radioactive wastes are produced. I think this causes some defects in the nervous system

  5. Hrm . . . are you sure that you really want accurate answers? The way you ask precludes that there could be something good about it. I would assume from that you have already made up your mind and just looking for “facts” to support your position. Try again when you can leave your prejudice out of it.

What are the cons of nuclear energy?

I need to know what is bad about nuclear energy and nuclear energy plants.