The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

4 Responses

  1. Because Edison, GE, and Westinghouse conspired to ruin Tesla’s businesses and reputation. Tesla wanted affordable electric power for all.

  2. I don’t think that history books are the place to find the truth. I
    live in Scotland and our history book tell of the crusades in the middle ages where our good kings went off to fight the holy wars against the heathens,the books omit to say that these lands had universities ,study centers, fully functioning societies and were a lot more civilized than the mob that came to fight them.
    don’t trust history books in the country of your origin as they are biased by the thoughts prevalent at the time of writing

  3. Quote: Does this mean that truly the corporations rule the politics and education?

    Good girl You are smart! Yes it does mean that

  4. I didn’t hear about Nikola Tesla until I was in college. I didn’t read about him from any text book either, but instead heard about him from my electronics instructor. Since then, I have tried to understand why our education system is deliberately trying to keep us in the dark on this subject as well as others. In extreme cases we may even find ourselves being lied to. Apparently, those who have gained power, do not consider the populous, of a high enough intelligence to have access to true knowledge. Instead, we are fed, misleading and contradictory information, to baffle and bewilder us: thus keeping us in check, as their servants and no more.

    Aside from some of Tesla’s more well known achievements, there are some areas of his work that have been deemed “Top Secret” and “Classified” by our government. Some of those areas include teleportation of people and inanimate objects, invisibility, and time travel.

    In one of his last projects (Wardenclyffe), he attempted to harness the energy from earths electromagnetic grid. He was aware that the earth forms a giant generator whose energy can be tapped if one could cut through its magnetic field. There is evidence that an ancient civilization had already constructed the infrastructure of an energy grid system that could do just what Tesla was trying to accomplish. This is what the Pyramids around the world are thought to be: Towers for cutting into the planets magnetic fields for harnessing energy. It is said that Tesla often used ancient Sanskrit terminology to describe natural phenomena. He was versed in the nature of matter, antimatter, and the makeup of atomic structure that are described in the Vedas; a collection of writings, found in India, consisting of, among other things, dissertations on science and the nature of reality. The writings date back thousands of years and are thought, by Hindu, “not human compositions”.

    To the best of my understanding, it was Tesla himself that chose to abandon his free energy project. Apparently, he felt that if man, our military in particular, got a hold of this technology, they would use it for destructive purposes, much like Atomic power was in later years. Although, there is also good reason to believe that powerful men were not too keen of an invention that would provide “Free” energy, since it would interfere in their quest for money, power and control of the populous. They had already put their stakes in the internal combustion engine and oil. Coincidently, it is some of those same people’s families who run the world today to its detriment.;_ylt=AmcWV7nKJLxE4SmXuH1.91Dty6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071003111328AALtp0g&show=7#profile-info-1bd6f7dcd94b559f97fdb31387c7926faa

    Upon Tesla’s death, much of his writings and work were confiscated by our government, on the grounds of national security; it was during WWII. Still, many of his published works, in the form of patents, are available from the U.S. patent office.

    Interesting Reading ________________________

    List of Tesla patents

    The Complete Patents of Nikola Tesla

    United States Patent and Trademark Office

    * * *
    Missing Utopia – The End of Wardenclyffe!

    Son of Tesla by Doug Yurchey

    Atlantis Power Grid 13th Location Discovered!!

    * * *
    The Philadelphia Experiment part 1-3

Why isn’t Nikola Tesla in our History Books?

I was reading my American History book yesterday. We were on the Industrial Revolution of the late 1800s. I was surprised to see Thomas Edison mentioned and not Tesla.

Edison might have invented the lightbulb, but Nikola Tesla powered it with his invention of alternating current. My history book also mentioned Macroni used the first radio waves. In 1943, the Supreme Court ruled Nikola Tesla had the discovery first. I find it strange the truth isn’t in my “educational” book.

Does this mean that truly the corporations rule the politics and education? I always knew the economy had a big rule in politics, but I didn’t think it would be big enough to justify a huge lie like this.

Here is a link with good information. I found it very truthful with his autobiography and other information sources. Although, it does leave some details of his life out.

If you have any insight. Please leave it here.