The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

Wind Turbines > Great renewable energy source or just a way for landowners and local government to make money.?

I am all for renewable sustainable energy alternatives such as wind farms, light towers,solar fields and various tidal and thermal alternatives.

I have studied wind farms in my area and across the U.K

I have found that wind turbines generate very little electricity. In fact of all renewable energy sources these are the least energy efficient and the least cost effective.

Our Government here in the U.K. offer huge cash subsidies to land owners who install wind farms on their properties. The land owners also make a huge profit from selling the plots to prospective manufacturers of wind turbines who then build on these plots and sell the electricity back to the national grid. who then in turn sell it to you the people.

Lots of money is being made by land owners and manufacturers of turbines and also by energy suppliers.

We import huge amounts of food every year and yet here daily good farm land is being sold by its farmers in order to make money.

There are a million questions to answer and a million reasons why.

share your thoughts please………………………………………