The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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(may be broke/outdated!)

29 Responses

  1. I say freeze all assets and then try them all Obama included, and if found guilty, oil and feather them and then hang the bastards by the neck until dead in a public square. Then continue down the line with all these traitorist bastards in our very congress who are ripping our nation apart as they seeth foam from their devilish mouths. Hang Them ALL I say….Hang Them ALL!

  2. BP used a 5 year old Sea Floor Study, to Locate & drill In to the Mid Side OF a Black Smoker, Asphalt volcano. Compare live feed
    BP CEO, Sold Much of his B.P.Stock, So did Goldman Sacks & Barak Obama. weeks before the Disaster
    Dispersant BP is Using, banned In England Because of Toxic and hazardous to life.
    the Entire Gulf region is now a, NO FLY ZONE. because there faking the clean up efforts, In what Is being called a Balloon & Pony Show.
    be alert to Subs landing after FEMA camp Evac !

  3. @chromedaffodils

    Get with god? You jesus freaks are the ones pushing on the end of days! You and your christian leaders in government are TRYING to bring war in the middle east, so jesus will return!!! Don’t you dare sit there and preach peace to me, when I KNOW what you Christians are up too!!

  4. @8cent8

    Thats not it….. Russian north fleet reported a NK sub, fired on the rig, NOT israeli’s….

  5. @anotherising

    Thats a pretty good idea… But we’re not in the business of telling people what businesses they can/must run…

  6. How are you 100% sure that this was not an attack on America from the Brits?

    I’m just saying….

  7. BP should be recycled and forced to put all the time and monny they have into clean combustion or clean energy f… oil was outdated 50 years ago, but the f…… profittering 

  8. I have yet to hear of any arrests? When are they going to seize the property and assets of ALL those involved? we need to set an example to future white collar criminals who would not hesitate to do the same in the name of the all mighty dollar and personal gain?

  9. THOSE CORPORATE ASSHOLES DID IT ON PURPOSE. They are fucking up our food chain. new world fucking order soulless corporate illuminati assholes. Kill em all

  10. Nothing will happen to these people ,just as nothing happened to the people that caused this great fiancial meltdown across the globe…and they wonder why people have conspiracy theories. so much happening at one time. And just as in the banking industry these BP exec’s will probably get HUGE BONUSES! Let’s watch and see

  11. @StemCellWarrior LOL you know nothing about what I know about government.. Government of some kind is necessary what you are talking about is corruption. You are still in the angry phase of realisation so I will make allowances for your assumptions about me. A government that serves the interests of the people will act as a counter-measure to the lobbyist power and corruption from the corporations. The point is that BP should be prosecuted…

  12. @8cent8
    Go to: BlogTalkRadioDOTcom the program name is FreeAmerica Hour with Clay Douglas. I will be featured on June 10th. 

  13. @fatpius

    The gulf oil-platform disaster was caused by what the Kremlin is reporting was an Israeli Submarine that launched a mini-sub with two torpedoes. The report will eventually come in that it was a N Korean sub but Obama ordered the hit in order to draw us into conflict with N Korea.

  14. @chromedaffodils also – we have to forgive them. We have to pull together to help our neighbors, love them, and lend a hand to resolve this. We should listen to every idea – one farmer said a certain hay can absorb the oil, let’s use it! Why the delay? This occurrence seems prophetic and should remind us all to get right with God and love our neighbor, and to remember Jesus will be coming back like a thief in the night, so be ready. He gave his life so you can be forgiven, I am so thankful!

  15. They should seek forgiveness, they should repent, they should take full accountability and never stop correcting this until it is fixed, if ever. They should turn their business over to the people, by giving all they do own away – first to those affected, then to the poorest of us, until their assets are depleted. Every person who had a hand in causing this and not fixing it promptly should do the same as above. ALL should be forced to serve and work, not jail, serve those they injured.

  16. Yesterday, I ran across many videos Exposing a bunch of people lying in the Media saying they were muslims and saying bad things about Islam. These videos were Amazing….. they caught these people lying so many times its unreal. Do Not Be Fooled by the Zionists Lies. Zionism is the Devil! Zionism is Lies War and Money!!! Great Video!

  17. @StemCellWarrior

    Come on, give me a break…there’s at least 5000 to 10000 bbl’s per day leaking into the oceans, naturally. “Millions will die…” where do you come up with this? Is it a disaster? yes. will the Earth perish from it? No F’N way. How about the Gulf, where I live? Yeah, it’s going to be hurt, but broken? You have no clue how large the Gulf is. The SHAME is that it could have ALL been avoided with mainland drilling and efficient energy production…but NO; environmentalists.

  18. @ucokcouk LOL you know nothing about government…IT IS A CORPORATION!!!! BP IS NEVER GOING TO BE PROSECUTED….OWNED BY THE CROWN!!!!!

  19. @HeisenbergSleptHere Not going to happen, this company is owned by the Queen. There are almost 700 violations against BP and they are still in business. Looks like we are still at war with the crown.

  20. @captaindiesalot I have not heard ONE DAMN WORD from all these GOVERNMENT controlled tree huggers. Just the son of Cousteau has gone under the water to see what the corexit 9500 has done to the oil. Just like code pink went silent when Obama was given the the White House. 1/3 of the oceans will be destroyed. Millions will die from disease caused by this and the chemical.

  21. @VariusMayhem Yeah!!!! They have people believing that WE caused Global warming and if anyone is responsible for what is wrong with our planet it is THE SCUMBAG, SLIM OF THE EARTH, devil worshiping whoremongering, child molesting, murdering thugs and muy solution is to hang them from a crane and dip them into the toxic waters that they purposefully.created to destroy us. I wonder if this is what the bible talked about and 1/3 of the oceans were destroyed. They will get theirs in the end.

  22. @jeffrey42088 how can we sue those who own us… at least until china calls in their debt owed, then we are chinas!!

  23. @satheeshactsinfo Planetresource(dot)net has a Eco friendly solution to clean up the tragedy British Petroleum has created
    One person can still make a difference in this world, is that simple interactions have a rippling effect. Each time this gets pass along, the hope in cleaning our planet is passed on .watch the youtube video title “COMPLETE CLEAN UP OF THE GULF SPILL”
    by? PRR7075

OUR TURN: What Should Happen To BP & Friends, AFTER OIL SPILL CLEAN-UP?

What should happen to BP and associated companies involved with the Gulf Of Mexico oil disaster? The more responses, the better the chance of BP actually DOING SOMETHING about clean up, something besides the highly toxic dispersant and chemicals being used. Bottom line, what do YOU think…

A detailed computer modeling study released today indicates that oil from the massive spill in the Gulf of Mexico might soon extend along thousands of miles of the Atlantic coast and open ocean as early as this summer. The modeling results are captured in a series of dramatic animations produced by the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and collaborators.
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