The world needs a new source of energy, an unspillable source.

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25 Responses

  1. NIOSH Report of Deepwater Horizon Response/Unified Area Command Illness and Injury Data
    Injuries: First Aid cases 958; OSHA-recordable cases 175
    Illnesses: 1staid case 888; OSHA-recordable 106
    Command: *HOUMA 1352; Mobile; 710; Houston/New Orleans 15; Source 37
    OSHA, BP and USCG are to scatter the real records to the wind because none of them want to do the leagl or goto court.BP pulls security access; of any one who tried to prevent hurt Houma document wrong done recordTXOSHA6has contact me

  2. Free Energy is real and its here! The Oil companies are doing everything they can to stop this

    information. If you want a Free energy magnet motor , get the blueprints at LT-MAGNET-MOTORdotCOM , Join the


  3. i know i wouldn’t take that swim.

    why do you think they used a toxic dispersent that Britain banned? (remember tha BP is British Petroleum) It’s because they don’t care for life. their own motto is Profit over people. these corporations and govt that back them are sick, satanic, competitive and acquisitive LIARS who will scam anyone to continue forward with their illegal and immoral operations.

  4. Yes – the muck is JUST UNDER. So noone can see it. BP is winning the PR game but share this VIDEO. Thanks for posting!!!

  5. Evrironmentally speaking the spill has little impact. The ocean is enormous and will not be impacted from something so minute. Even atomic weaponry detonated in water through the 40’s and 50’s did nothing more than kill local populations of aquatic life. The biggest problems in the Gulf have been blockage of regions for fishermen, and tourists.

  6. toxicreverend Twitter postings: Corexist and Dispersants in Gulf of Mexico peer reviewed med journal on effects of environment on human health More resources posted at twitter (dot) com (slant) toxicreverend

  7. nikola teslas wireless energy could have saved us from this 100 yrs ago! please look it up, i even put up information on my youtube to wake up everyone! time to build it and get over this dependence. please wake up! nikola tesla tried to warn us 100 yrs ago! look up “increasing human energy” by nikola tesla. its a brillant piece of work he wrote for you! start learning wireless power now before it happens again!we can easily ween off oil quite fast if we build it COPY + PASTE + SPREAD THIS!

  8. Could this poison spread through out all the oceans?! I wish Europe and the United Kingdom would wake up. BP and the US Government could eventually poison their waters as well.

  9. I think BP is only using dispersant to hide the appearance of the damage.

  10. @highinthesky231 I totally believe that to end up being the case for sure. Thanks for letting me know. This does not look good.

  11. the government and BP are using the media to blow this thing way out of proportion to scare you. somehow this is all going to translate into more taxes and possibly the nationalization of the oil industry. if that happens we will enjoy 8 dollar a gallon fuel just like europe. dont forget these are the same people that brought you the swine flu hoax and the global warming hoax.

    Normal Well = 1,500 LBs per square inch.
    This Well = 20,000 – 70,000 LBs per square inch
    BENZENE is now saturating the Atmosphere.
    ALL attempts to gain control are failing.
    Top Hat was blown off. Several fischers have opened up on the sea bottom, releasing MORE OIL AND GAS.
    Hurricanes will distribute Benzene and Oil across the U.S.
    All Water Supplies are DOOMED.
    This is the END OF LIFE as we know it.

  13. So Umm why cant our governemnt pay for the clean up and then get reimbursed like the rest of us do with our own health care???

  14. this should be treated as a slum lord all the execs involved should be made to live at it and watch their familys suffer just as those that already do

  15. gOt this infO frOm a friend.
    The gulf oil-platform disaster was caused by what the Kremlin is reporting was an Israeli Submarine that launched a mini-sub with two torpedoes. The report will eventually come in that it was a N Korean sub but Obama ordered the hit in order to draw us into conflict with N Korea.

    Go to: BlogTalkRadioDOTcom the program name is FreeAmerica Hour with Clay Douglas. I will be featured on June 10th.

  16. I am outraged and just sick to my stomach over this. The loss of sea life grows and if they wanted to stop this leak they could. :( These criminals should be sitting on death row.

  17. BP was there before obama took ranks, so lets not blame him. we dont have time to play the blame game either.

  18. they flocked it with the dispersants to hide it…out of sight, out of mind….they ARE out of their minds!

  19. Too bad they dont talk about how Haliburton bought all the shares in the Boots and Coots oil clean up a day or week before this. Too bad they dont speak on how Haliburton worked on the Oil Rig 20 hours before it exploded…..Any reason why? Too bad they dont speak on how they aren’t letting anyone else clean up due to Haliburton owning all the shares in Boots and Coots oil clean up because if they let someone else clean it up they wouldn’t make any money.

  20. Too bad they dont talk about how Haliburton bought all the shares in the Boots and Coots oil clean up a day or week before this. Too bad they dont speak on how Haliburton worked on the Oil Rig 20 hours before it exploded…..Any reason why? Too bad they dont speak on how they aren’t letting anyone else clean up due to Haliburton owning all the shares in Boots and Coots oil clean up because if they let someone else clean it up they wouldn’t make any money.

Scuba Dive In Oil Plumes & The Dispersant Effects: Gulf Oil Disaster [So Much Worse Than You Know]

WHAT THEY DON’T WANT YOU TO SEE – Original Broadcast 5/24/10: Exploring the toxic plumes of dispersed oil floating beneath the waves in the Gulf of Mexico. It is MUCH MUCH worse than what you are being told, so see for yourselves. And worse, it is only going to spread… BP Resumes Effort…
Video Rating: 5 / 5